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Link Posted: 11/2/2012 6:36:22 AM EDT

No, but seriously.......

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 6:45:10 AM EDT
Make sure all those without power know to thank the Unions.


Link Posted: 11/2/2012 6:50:01 AM EDT
That is fucked up beyond belief.

No it is NYC, why do you think the Rest of NY cant stand NYC

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 6:50:52 AM EDT
In before the GD shop stewards with the "Gotta make sure the job is done right!" crap.  
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:05:27 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:16:48 AM EDT
San Antonio sent 26 trucks and crews. I heard they were re-routed mid trip. I wonder if this is the reason.  

Came here to post that.

I am sick of hearing the clip with the lady crying "Where is the government? We need help". Deadliest words/thought process. This event has FINALLY got my wife to agree to some modest prepping. It's for the children.

Deadly indeed. I've never once thought the government should come help me with ANYTHING.

After the tornadoes in AL last year, my girlfriend decided that maybe I wasn't so crazy for prepping.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:19:07 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Spoken like a true union goon.

These aren's scabs anyhow.

Yeah all that union quality we see in American manufacturing and building
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:30:37 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

trolling much?
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:37:03 AM EDT
that's fucked up
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:37:56 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

What? People who want to help restore power to a disaster-struck area are scabs?
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:39:24 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

I want to believe this is in response to the post directly above yours .... but it seems to lack a certain sarcastic wit.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:44:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:47:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:52:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 7:56:19 AM EDT
The general manager of Decatur Utilities, Ray Hardin told Fox Business they were presented documents from the International Brotherhood of Electric Workers at a staging area in Virginia. The documents stated they had to affiliate with a union to work, which the crews could not agree to.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:01:04 AM EDT


At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Yeah, those untrained scabs from AL had no problem restoring power to the Huntsville/Madison area in April 2011 after the main transmission line towers were ripped from the ground  about a mile from my house. My power was restored within 5 days and I live in the county. Huntsville was restored a couple of days before my area.  


But they were only scabs, I should expect my house to explode any day now I guess.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:03:02 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Thanks for the laugh, Comrade.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:04:30 AM EDT
I have lived in Michigan my whole life. Unions have controlled almost everything. Our economy is about as bad as it gets and 99% of the problem is directly related to the unions. On the ballot this year are 6 major proposals just about all of them involve the unions getting more power and control, fucking ridicules.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:04:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:08:04 AM EDT
Ironic that one of the "Non Union crews turned away from NJ" was in fact unionized.

The whole story is pretty typical, a few union goons say shit at a staging area and people think the power company actually gives a fuck. In the meantime while the power company people are running around with thier hair on fire trying to send people places they find out that they only need 100 crews, but have 120 so they send the extra crews to another area that needs 150 crews but has 30.

It happens every time we have a major power outage, but rarely becomes national news.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:14:35 AM EDT
The general manager of Decatur Utilities, Ray Hardin told Fox Business they were presented documents from the International Brotherhood of Electric Workers at a staging area in Virginia. The documents stated they had to affiliate with a union to work, which the crews could not agree to.

Ahh, just more proof the IBEW leadership is scum.

all union leaders are scum
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:26:03 AM EDT


At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Tony approves this message.  

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:41:58 AM EDT


Ironic that one of the "Non Union crews turned away from NJ" was in fact unionized.
The whole story is pretty typical, a few union goons say shit at a staging area and people think the power company actually gives a fuck. In the meantime while the power company people are running around with thier hair on fire trying to send people places they find out that they only need 100 crews, but have 120 so they send the extra crews to another area that needs 150 crews but has 30.

It happens every time we have a major power outage, but rarely becomes national news.

Alabama power is unionized. Decatur Utilities is not. Decatur is on the way home now.....

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:51:41 AM EDT

Ironic that one of the "Non Union crews turned away from NJ" was in fact unionized.

The whole story is pretty typical, a few union goons say shit at a staging area and people think the power company actually gives a fuck. In the meantime while the power company people are running around with thier hair on fire trying to send people places they find out that they only need 100 crews, but have 120 so they send the extra crews to another area that needs 150 crews but has 30.

It happens every time we have a major power outage, but rarely becomes national news.

Alabama power is unionized. Decatur Utilities is not. Decatur is on the way home now.....  

Alabama Power got "turned away" and sent to Long Island.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 8:56:33 AM EDT


At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Damn, took longer than I thought for the dumbasses to come out.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 9:02:00 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

That's weird.... after Ike we got our power restored using non-union line workers and any other line workers willing to help. The power is still on.
What kind of moron thinks that unions have a lock on knowing how to do shit? Seriously.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 9:05:19 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

As someone who has been without power since 6pm on Monday..

I'll gladly take these "scabs"
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 9:14:38 AM EDT
Cool.  Let 'em sit in the dark then.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 10:39:40 AM EDT
We had a bunch of out of state linemen come in after Isaac a few months ago. I asked the guy who runs our coop this week where the local linemen were going to help after Sandy and that's exacly what he told me. Nowhere because they wanted union workers.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 10:46:39 AM EDT


At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

The "scabs" from Decatur Utilities have a huge amount of experience getting the power back up, lots of tornado practice down here.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 10:49:02 AM EDT

At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

The "scabs" from Decatur Utilities have a huge amount of experience getting the power back up, lots of tornado practice down here.

Send them up my way...we have cookies

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 10:53:38 AM EDT
FNC was saying at lunchtime, that the State of NJ said this was not true, that they were sent away because "they were not needed there."   They did not respond to the question, of "then why didn't you send them to where they werer needed?"   Wonder why?

Hope they enjoy the dark and cold...

"when you are sitting in the dark, cold, and hungry......"   Thank NJ?

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 10:54:24 AM EDT
At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

That's weird.... after Ike we got our power restored using non-union line workers and any other line workers willing to help. The power is still on.
What kind of moron thinks that unions have a lock on knowing how to do shit? Seriously.

My town's non-union utility workers kept us up and running and the power only went down for about 10 min.

If that is the way the NE wants to play it let them stay in the dark till such time the union weenies get around to them.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:01:59 AM EDT

Here in Los Angeles we have the new Merto Expo train going in. Downtown to the sea. Great improvement to the area. Lots of jobs on the system and during construction they said. Same problem as you have in NY, only union workers need apply. Some jobs program! People out of work don't have a spare $1500 entry dues nor the connections to get in either union.  

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:14:16 AM EDT
Freeze bitch!
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:19:44 AM EDT
How's that clean up in New Orleans going?
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:22:25 AM EDT
This just in, the purpose of a cartel is to increase the profit of members of the cartel. In a related story, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

This.  Anyone who thinks unions are looking out for anyone but unions are seriously mistaken.

Anyone who thinks anyone is looking out for anyone but themselves are seriously mistaken.

At least most of what you typed was correct.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:22:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:32:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 11:39:03 AM EDT

At least the job will be done right unlike the scabs

Yeah, those untrained scabs from AL had no problem restoring power to the Huntsville/Madison area in April 2011 after the main transmission line towers were ripped from the ground  about a mile from my house. My power was restored within 5 days and I live in the county. Huntsville was restored a couple of days before my area.    

But they were only scabs, I should expect my house to explode any day now I guess.

After last year's tornado those "scabs" from Madison county (and others) help get us back up and running, and we were grateful for their help. No eggs were thrown!

If they hit the road today they can be plopped down to watch the Alabama-LSU game tomorrow night with their scab-supplied electricity. Let those Yankee sumbitches sip on their cold soup.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 12:02:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 12:07:54 PM EDT
Another win for the unions
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 12:34:37 PM EDT
Too bad it appears to be all bullshit....


Relevant portion of the story

Two other Alabama utilities were initially mentioned by a Huntsville (Ala.) television station in a story reporting that non-union crews had been turned aside.

One of those, Trinity, Ala.-based Joe Wheeler, was never in New Jersey and is unionized, its CEO, George Kitchens, said this morning.

Eight Wheeler workers were instead dispatched to Maryland before the storm hit and have completed their work there, company spokeswoman Mandi Phillips said.

"We are headed back home," she said. "We were never turned away."

Bill Yell, communications manager for Huntsville Utilities, said he was not aware a union issue had prevented three of that company’s crews from working in New Jersey.

Huntsville originally sent two three-man bucket crews and one three-man pole-setting crew to Seaside Heights, but that all nine had since been dispatched to Long Island, Yell said.

"The reason we're not working with the New Jersey system is that they had all the crews they could handle," he said.

The fact that those crews are not unionized did not have any effect, he said.

"They didn't have any problems with us," he said.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 12:37:40 PM EDT
Derp.  I find it amazing that  NY accepted the workers and NJ did not.  I hope Christie slaps them around for turning them away.  If he doesn't it just proves that he is liberal republican like I've thought.

christie is a joke and a slob. the only thing hes going to be slapping around is a cheese steak.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 12:43:55 PM EDT
enjoy the cold. my give a shit meter is broken. i might be a redneck from nc, but this redneck is eating a deer steak tonight and enjoying the heat from the ole wood stove.
Link Posted: 11/2/2012 1:14:00 PM EDT
You know... When the city I live in got bitch slapped by TWO back to back hurricanes in the span of a few weeks, power crews from ALL OVER came to help, and they were welcomed with open arms.
Crews even came from CANADA.
Nobody gave a shit if they were affiliated with any union.  (Nobody even gave a shit if they weren't even Americans).  We were GRATEFUL they came to help out.

People put up signs everywhere, telling them "Thank You"...And people brought them food / drinks while they worked.

Working fire rescue, I come into contact with local power crews on a regular basis because of downed power lines, etc.  (During the hurricanes, I came into contact with ALOT of power crews).
The local Florida Power and Light crews were greatful for the help from other states, and other countries....

Of course...Florida is a right to work state, though.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 1:15:12 PM EDT
Cool.  Let 'em sit in the dark then.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 1:17:21 PM EDT
Make sure all those without power know to thank the Unions.


Maybe, just maybe it will wake up some of the sheeple  there.

Link Posted: 11/2/2012 1:21:36 PM EDT


Too bad it appears to be all bullshit....


Relevant portion of the story

Two other Alabama utilities were initially mentioned by a Huntsville (Ala.) television station in a story reporting that non-union crews had been turned aside.

One of those, Trinity, Ala.-based Joe Wheeler, was never in New Jersey and is unionized, its CEO, George Kitchens, said this morning.

Eight Wheeler workers were instead dispatched to Maryland before the storm hit and have completed their work there, company spokeswoman Mandi Phillips said.

"We are headed back home," she said. "We were never turned away."

Bill Yell, communications manager for Huntsville Utilities, said he was not aware a union issue had prevented three of that company’s crews from working in New Jersey.

Huntsville originally sent two three-man bucket crews and one three-man pole-setting crew to Seaside Heights, but that all nine had since been dispatched to Long Island, Yell said.

"The reason we're not working with the New Jersey system is that they had all the crews they could handle," he said.

The fact that those crews are not unionized did not have any effect, he said.

"They didn't have any problems with us," he said.

For the Huntsville crews yes but not so much for the crews from Decatur Utilities http://blog.al.com/breaking/2012/11/decatur_utilities_manager_veri_1.html

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