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Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:55:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mcantu:
I'm seeing lots of college age white kids mixed in the protests/riots. The ones doing the most agitating have a very strong antifa vibe to them. I have no doubt that the anarchist/communist groups are sending in their minions to raise tensions
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If we're going to continue down this road where the left caters to these people and we tell them to fuck off and die and then we rely on elections to decide on how we'll be governed, we're fucked.  

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:56:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By chadjetlag:

Possible, even a heart attack could still be criminally tied to the officers actions.  You can’t do everything in your power to kill a man and then say “not our fault, he had a heart attack after we crushed him, choked him, and cut off his blood supply” IMO they should answer in front of a jury.
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Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:56:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ironhandjohn:

And the worst nightmare for professional race-baiters on both sides.

“You know what, we’re through going after each other because y’all say we should. Instead we are going after YOU.”
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been thinking about this all morning.  at the 2A rally in DC, a black guy named kevin dixie gave a great talk about how much we--black people and conservative 2A people--have in common when it comes to our deep suspicion of the political power structure.  our outlooks are similar, but there are people whose political interests are served by keeping us at each others' throats.

this kind of rioting really bothers me, and i can come up with all kinds of reasons why the people who are doing it are wrong.  but i can't get it out of my head that the core concept is exactly the same: the people in power don't give a shit about us, and will kill us in order to protect their privilege.

i'm not in any way excusing the looting, but we should be building bridges and coming together as we the people against the gretchens of the world.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:56:30 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Nada-Nada:

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Not even close Scooter.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:56:47 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Enzo300:


This isn't anywhere close to being over. It won't even end when this city is finished.
Aren't there any black cops there, to tell them how fucked up this is?
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Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:56:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By XXEmpireStateXX:
Governor just spent a minute sucking off “President Zucker” and CNN and apologizing. Fucking sad.
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Governor is a big time POS, was in the NG for 20 some years, unit gets activated to deploy to Iraq, fucking trader POS retires instead of full filling is obligation.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By realwar:

Police charge protestors outside of Derek Chauvain's house








One protester walked too close to the police and a cop shot a rubber bullet at the man, hitting him square in the groin




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The lengths they go to protect themselves and their own...
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Mech2007:

And pay close attention, because they're kind of hard to see.

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Originally Posted By Mech2007:
Originally Posted By 13starsinax:

It's worth the read about 15 pages back Aimless posted dick pics.

And pay close attention, because they're kind of hard to see.

Is that what it was? It was wondering why he was posting a picture of a shiitake mushroom.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:27 AM EDT
Antifa onsite

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:34 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Mech2007:

And pay close attention, because they're kind of hard to see.

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I had to put them up on my TV. Had to still squint.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:40 AM EDT
[Last Edit: VooDoo3dfx] [#12]
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Originally Posted By CaliContractor:

How many 6'5-6'7 yoked out black dudes does that town have?  Probably as a number very very few.

Hell 6'2 puts you in something like 4 percent category and it drops fast past that
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Originally Posted By CaliContractor:
Originally Posted By VooDoo3dfx:
Originally Posted By HogJaws:
Originally Posted By VooDoo3dfx:
Originally Posted By JmPnTX:
George Floyd Worked Security At The Same Nightclub As The Officer Who Killed Him

(TMU) – A bizarre twist in the murder of George Floyd was reported on Thursday night, as a former club owner in south Minneapolis revealed that Floyd worked at her club as a security guard, alongside recently fired police officer Derek Chauvin, the man who killed him.

"They were working together at the same time."


"“Chauvin was our off-duty police for almost the entirety of the 17 years that we were open. They were working together at the same time, it’s just that Chauvin worked outside and the security guards were inside,” Santamaria told KSTP."

So, maybe he knew him, maybe he didn't?

I'm sure they knew of each other. I've been the security guy in that exact same scenario. We had "off-duty" sheriff deputies working outside the front door and the front parking lot, paid by the club. It was mostly a "hey how you doing" type of working relationship but you could tell some of the guys did not like each other. This guy's a dick, that guy's a hot head etc.

It's all speculation and doesn't really change anything at this point. I suppose if they ever arrest and try Chauvin, if there's anything there the prosecutor could use it to establish a motive.

Let me rephrase, maybe he knew him but didn't realize it was him.

How many 6'5-6'7 yoked out black dudes does that town have?  Probably as a number very very few.

Hell 6'2 puts you in something like 4 percent category and it drops fast past that

Why would it matter if he saw him sparingly throughout his side job?
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By guntrk:

And why would that be out of the realm of possibility?

I disagree, and your answer is what exactly? You have nothing to say except "stupid"?

So please enlighten us with your wisdom as to why you think it stupid that Soros is not behind or supporting this?
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Originally Posted By guntrk:
Originally Posted By DoverGunner:

Just one of the stupidest things I've ever said and I agree with the good grief poster

And why would that be out of the realm of possibility?

I disagree, and your answer is what exactly? You have nothing to say except "stupid"?

So please enlighten us with your wisdom as to why you think it stupid that Soros is not behind or supporting this?

So, I called my lizard people contact, and said, "Hey man reptile, you still got that massive cache of cop uniform stuff?  Because, I'm staging a fake cop thing down here. Same price as last time, right?"  After an awkward pause and feathery hiss, he says, "Sorry, my ssssssimian friend, but George called, and that cache is spoken for.  But, I can offer you a ssssssssssweet deal on sssssome brand new Edgar suits."  I gave it a bit of thought, because a good deal is always a good deal, but I just couldn't figure our how to work that angle into the current sociovirohomoglobo agenda.  So, I declined the smokin deal, and in parting I said, "Some other time, my herp.  Peace out!"
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mcantu:
I'm seeing lots of college age white kids mixed in the protests/riots. The ones doing the most agitating have a very strong antifa vibe to them. I have no doubt that the anarchist/communist groups are sending in their minions to raise tensions
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This isn’t integration. It’s an Axis pact.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:57:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By XXEmpireStateXX:
Governor just spent a minute sucking off “President Zucker” and CNN and apologizing. Fucking sad.
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Because having cameras watching government action is part of a free society and transparency is important.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:58:21 AM EDT
Nice to see IronHandJohn still trolling the fuck out of these great thread.

That's one helluva trolling run, across 75 pages I'd say.

Odd how it just takes one thread to expose an otherwise okay member.

Soros is the fucking devil, if you can't see that, you belong at DU, or doodling in color books.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:58:27 AM EDT
I'm losing track of the rules. If a black cop kills someone, white or black, is it OK to riot? How about if the white cop is transsexual?

A chart would really be helpful.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:58:36 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By eli10:

In that clip...Did they cuff the black reporter and walk him away, pick up his microphone and hand it to one of the two white crew members?  Did they arrest the whole crew?
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Originally Posted By eli10:
Originally Posted By walkinginadangerzone:

No love for CNN, but jeez. Are the LEOs in Minneapolis really that inept?

"Lets arrest these dudes who are using their first amendment rights"

In that clip...Did they cuff the black reporter and walk him away, pick up his microphone and hand it to one of the two white crew members?  Did they arrest the whole crew?

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:58:48 AM EDT
What feed links are we using this morning?
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:58:57 AM EDT
Broken arrow.

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:59:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:

Rodney King
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:
Originally Posted By ryann:

Have there been riots when a cop didn't murder someone?

Rodney King

The cops didn’t murder Michael Brown.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:59:12 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By dedreckon:

I'll at least try. Me and my son will be on the rooftop and protect my wife and daughter (who will be armed). If I have to I will die for them all, send my son away before it ends.
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Originally Posted By dedreckon:
Originally Posted By ZMV:

Thats a great policy.

Do you have eight trained and mentally prepared boog bois sitting at your house ready to defend it? Because thats the minumum number of people it would take to defend the typical residence against a determined assault force of the size we're seeing at these riots.

I'll at least try. Me and my son will be on the rooftop and protect my wife and daughter (who will be armed). If I have to I will die for them all, send my son away before it ends.

My plan doesn't necessarily involve only MY house. There are (realistically) very few points of ingress/egress to my entire neighborhood, and there's plenty of folks to draw on (including multiple USMA and USNA alums, among other vets). Waiting for the opposing force to show up and fan out around my house isn't the plan.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:59:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By sirensong:

been thinking about this all morning.  at the 2A rally in DC, a black guy named kevin dixie gave a great talk about how much we--black people and conservative 2A people--have in common when it comes to our deep suspicion of the political power structure.  our outlooks are similar, but there are people whose political interests are served by keeping us at each others' throats.

this kind of rioting really bothers me, and i can come up with all kinds of reasons why the people who are doing it are wrong.  but i can't get it out of my head that the core concept is exactly the same: the people in power don't give a shit about us, and will kill us in order to protect their privilege.

i'm not in any way excusing the looting, but we should be building bridges and coming together as we the people against the gretchens of the world.
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Yes, but that is a reality that comes at a cost of self isolation. 50% of this nation thought Hillary was a viable leader, and now will vote for Joe. Prepare accordingly.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:59:55 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By aq_1980:

There sure as fuck were no cops keeping people away at 2300 last night.  

Just an observation........
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Originally Posted By aq_1980:
Originally Posted By barnbwt:

Clearing a disaster area is a valid reason for exclusion, and has nothing to do with their actions last night.  Bystanders weren't allowed there, and that includes media...until the governor intervened, anyway.

There sure as fuck were no cops keeping people away at 2300 last night.  

Just an observation........

Not doing your job yesterday has no bearing on your duties today.

Besides, it should be obvious that showing up during the event was not in their orders.  The cops sure as hell weren't gonna show up to rumble on their own without orders.  It's like I said, a leadership issue (likely directly from the Mayor and/or governor) issuing unhelpful orders & rules of engagement.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 11:59:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By VooDoo3dfx:

Why would it matter if he saw him sparingly throughout his side job?
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You really don't get "why would it matter" if they had a preexisting relationship?
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:00:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By atavistic:

As anybody asked if the Governor just happened to see this, or did CNN call him directly and say 'Let my people go'?
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CNN legal counsel called the governor.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:00:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ryann:

The cops didn’t murder Michael Brown.
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Agreed.  If ever a rabid dog was shot down in the street it was him.

Fuck him, and his snacks
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:01:00 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HarryStone:

If we're going to continue down this road where the left caters to these people and we tell them to fuck off and die and then we rely on elections to decide on how we'll be governed, we're fucked.  

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Originally Posted By HarryStone:
Originally Posted By mcantu:
I'm seeing lots of college age white kids mixed in the protests/riots. The ones doing the most agitating have a very strong antifa vibe to them. I have no doubt that the anarchist/communist groups are sending in their minions to raise tensions

If we're going to continue down this road where the left caters to these people and we tell them to fuck off and die and then we rely on elections to decide on how we'll be governed, we're fucked.  

We are proper fucked
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:01:06 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 4thbreak] [#29]
Minneapolis riots press conference with Gov. Walz

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:01:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BMSMB:

That is no where near what the lot number is
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Originally Posted By BMSMB:
Originally Posted By GMZ:


Headstamp has manufacturer and year on it

That is no where near what the lot number is


I was typing a response to another comment.

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:01:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By glockluv:

You really don't get "why would it matter" if they had a preexisting relationship?
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Originally Posted By glockluv:
Originally Posted By VooDoo3dfx:

Why would it matter if he saw him sparingly throughout his side job?

You really don't get "why would it matter" if they had a preexisting relationship?

There is no proof they had one however, other than working in the same area.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:01:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 6SJ7GT:

A soldier's 2nd most effective weapon used to be an empty rifle. Do they even have bayonets anymore?
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Originally Posted By 6SJ7GT:
Originally Posted By xviperx420:

It makes no sense to me, but you might be right. "Fuck around and find out". lol

re Kandahar, when I initially got there we were issued one single mag with 30 rounds that were bean counted by lot number. No kidding. We were told to insert it but not charge the rifle. Then some army private didn't clear her rifle properly when she got on a C130 and somehow sent a round through the stairs. After that the base commander said no mags in weapons for anyone except officers and on duty security.

Another funny story, one of our guys went to the range and shot his issued ammo instead of using the ammo provided by the range. Ended up having to do a report explaining the ammo expenditure to the ammo guys when they noticed that he was turning in a different batch of ammo than was issued .

A soldier's 2nd most effective weapon used to be an empty rifle. Do they even have bayonets anymore?

Maybe? I've never seen one where I work.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:01:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BMSMB:

That is no where near what the lot number is
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No shit sherlock I’ve ran armories and done ammo accounting for 20 years. Someone gets issued security ammo LC12 and tries to turn in training ammo LC18 or WCC then we have a problem and you’re going to have to justify the expenditure, DD200 the whole 9. Ask me how I know.

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:02:59 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By L_JE:

So, I called my lizard people contact, and said, "Hey man reptile, you still got that massive cache of cop uniform stuff?  Because, I'm staging a fake cop thing down here. Same price as last time, right?"  After an awkward pause and feathery hiss, he says, "Sorry, my ssssssimian friend, but George called, and that cache is spoken for.  But, I can offer you a ssssssssssweet deal on sssssome brand new Edgar suits."  I gave it a bit of thought, because a good deal is always a good deal, but I just couldn't figure our how to work that angle into the current sociovirohomoglobo agenda.  So, I declined the smokin deal, and in parting I said, "Some other time, my herp.  Peace out!"
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Why was it feathery? A hint that in the future they will aviary?
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:03:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Crash_Test_Dhimmi:
What feed links are we using this morning?
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Saint Paul on Broadcastify seems to have gone quiet.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:03:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:
JFC -- 90 pages overnight - I'll never get caught up to this post.
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I posted a brief overview on page 183
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:03:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GMZ:


Headstamp has manufacturer and year on it
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Not a lot number.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:03:25 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Him] [#38]

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:03:44 PM EDT
Just able to tune in this morning for the first time and listening to whatever press conference is being held right now. Boy, some serious cover your ass is going on for the lack of response. Everyone trying to act as if they were on top of what it is clear they were not.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:03:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 13starsinax:
These kids I see in some of these photos look 15-21, and I would say that is the majority of the crowds. I am surprised of the integration of the group, and it seems at times equal. I think this is a huge step in race relations, and demonstrates we are moving forward, not backwards.
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I also noticed that.

I would point out that looting and burning your own neighborhood is something done by dysfunctional culture. The implication is that these white kids now are adopting the behavior we typically see in urban black culture.

What we wanted was the urban blacks to adopt the white culture behavior, but we see the opposite here.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:04:06 PM EDT
It’s going to be okay guys. The paranoid schizophrenic Qbroh at the office says this was all expected and under control.

The cabal activated some sort of brain implant mental programming in the Police Officers to kill Floyd in broad daylight to spark the events we see happening today because Obama is about to be arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay to a prison to await a military tribunal.

Trump used the corona virus to quarantine the populace to protect them as he is activating the national guard to start martial law because all cops are dirty democrats.

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:04:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ryann:

This isn’t integration. It’s an Axis pact.
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Well if we are focused here what is really going on?
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:04:30 PM EDT
Zero leadership from No Balz Walz.  For a guy who likes to brag about his years in the NG, he doesn't have a damn clue what to do.

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:04:43 PM EDT
Two certainties in life. One - regardless of the city if you're on Martin Luther King Blvd you're in the hood. Two - State Police are always the most jack booted looking thugs to show up in riot gear.

Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:04:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 4thbreak:
Minneapolis riots press conference with Gov. Walz

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Isn't there close captioning available for the hearing impaired? Why do they have a crazy bitch sign language interpreter? Some major virtue signalling.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:05:07 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By barnbwt:

Perhaps this is what the cops were attempting to avoid by telling CNN to get bent?
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What, they didn't want CNN to see soldiers with empty rifles?
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:05:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Leprechaun-33-:

Sorry bub, any thing i tell you isn’t gonna sink in.  Your not gonna want to hear it and your gonna be resistive to any facts.  I’ll let you continue to believe in what you want to believe in.

You don’t want to conversation, you want to trap and fight.
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Originally Posted By Leprechaun-33-:
Originally Posted By New2AR15s:

You’re right I don’t get it.

I don’t get why the police are allowing the rioters to burn and pillage with minimal resistance but yet defend their own house (precinct) up until the flames

They may be getting “orders” from others to stand down but then that just supports what many here are saying, they’re willing to follow orders and let the a barrage Joe citizen have his store burned and life ruined and show up after to write the police report.

If you’d like to have an adult conversation I’m all ears

Sorry bub, any thing i tell you isn’t gonna sink in.  Your not gonna want to hear it and your gonna be resistive to any facts.  I’ll let you continue to believe in what you want to believe in.

You don’t want to conversation, you want to trap and fight.

Basically the response I expected
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:05:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By dannylgriffin:

CNN legal counsel called the governor.
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Originally Posted By dannylgriffin:
Originally Posted By atavistic:

As anybody asked if the Governor just happened to see this, or did CNN call him directly and say 'Let my people go'?

CNN legal counsel called the governor.

Maybe they could call him to save some of the businesses, and thus livelihoods, that being destroyed.
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:05:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HarryStone:

If we're going to continue down this road where the left caters to these people and we tell them to fuck off and die and then we rely on elections to decide on how we'll be governed, we're fucked.  

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Originally Posted By HarryStone:
Originally Posted By mcantu:
I'm seeing lots of college age white kids mixed in the protests/riots. The ones doing the most agitating have a very strong antifa vibe to them. I have no doubt that the anarchist/communist groups are sending in their minions to raise tensions

If we're going to continue down this road where the left caters to these people and we tell them to fuck off and die and then we rely on elections to decide on how we'll be governed, we're fucked.  

Dishonest elections I might add
Link Posted: 5/29/2020 12:05:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ArmyPilot12:

Umm... ammo doesn't have lot numbers stamped on it.

The crate and can, sure, but not the cartridge itself.
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Originally Posted By ArmyPilot12:
Originally Posted By xviperx420:

It makes no sense to me, but you might be right. "Fuck around and find out". lol

re Kandahar, when I initially got there we were issued one single mag with 30 rounds that were bean counted by lot number. No kidding. We were told to insert it but not charge the rifle. Then some army private didn't clear her rifle properly when she got on a C130 and somehow sent a round through the stairs. After that the base commander said no mags in weapons for anyone except officers and on duty security.

Another funny story, one of our guys went to the range and shot his issued ammo instead of using the ammo provided by the range. Ended up having to do a report explaining the ammo expenditure to the ammo guys when they noticed that he was turning in a different batch of ammo than was issued .

Umm... ammo doesn't have lot numbers stamped on it.

The crate and can, sure, but not the cartridge itself.


You're right. I meant headstamp, but for some reason they called it lot number. Same thing happened in 2013 at Bagram when one of my airmen turned in his ammo and one of his rounds was like LC11 instead of whatever year he was issued. The AF does goofy shit like that for no reason.
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