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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:15:03 PM EDT
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Bitching on the internet will never do anything but continue to divide. If you want change, and have enough people that agree with you, then go get loud, don't take no for an answer, get uncomfortable. Saying that you have to work, or have other shit to do is just another excuse. If you can't do it, why expect someone else to do it for you?

As much as people like to hate on Ukraine and their problems, they aren't afraid to be uncomfortable and unite. They want change and are still neck deep in the shit they have been trying to get out of. At least learn something from their example. They didn't like their leadership and pushed a pro-Russian president to flee the country.

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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.

Bitching on the internet will never do anything but continue to divide. If you want change, and have enough people that agree with you, then go get loud, don't take no for an answer, get uncomfortable. Saying that you have to work, or have other shit to do is just another excuse. If you can't do it, why expect someone else to do it for you?

As much as people like to hate on Ukraine and their problems, they aren't afraid to be uncomfortable and unite. They want change and are still neck deep in the shit they have been trying to get out of. At least learn something from their example. They didn't like their leadership and pushed a pro-Russian president to flee the country.


Just so I’m crystal clear. I don’t think Ukraine is any more corrupt than the US.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:16:01 PM EDT
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The love of ones country or the ideals it is based on?  The two are not always necessarily the same. I'm fine with differing opinions as long as they are sincere and not mouth breathers or trolls.
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Patriotism is the love of one’s country.  Period.

The love of ones country or the ideals it is based on?  The two are not always necessarily the same. I'm fine with differing opinions as long as they are sincere and not mouth breathers or trolls.

Speaking for myself, it’s the ideals it’s based on. The two are very different.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:16:04 PM EDT
I came here thinking that I'd get some decent information. I was stupid to think such. This thread is a perfect example of our evolving society.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:16:09 PM EDT
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No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:16:27 PM EDT
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The propeller is on the ass end of the drone. Which to me, makes it sound damn near impossible that the two aircraft had any direct contact with each other.
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What was described was that the Russians were flying over the drone dumping fuel on it for several passes.  On the last pass the SU-27 hit the drone causing damage to both and the drone was then deliberately put down in the Black Sea. Under those circumstances it seems plausible to me.  Allegedly we may be seeing the footage soon.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:18:20 PM EDT
Waiting for President Dementia's response.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:18:46 PM EDT
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If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.

Cheers to that!
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:19:11 PM EDT
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Like when trump was working on building a wall you were pushing against it?

When trump pushed the Europeans to spend more on defense you were against that too?
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Exactly. Putting America first means doing the complete opposite of what the government is currently doing in my opinion.

America, (people/ideals/principles) is completely different than the American government.

Like when trump was working on building a wall you were pushing against it?

When trump pushed the Europeans to spend more on defense you were against that too?

You seem confused. The same people destroying this country, the corrupt, and evil people you get your orders from were against Trump. Trump isn’t part of the machine that’s destroying the country, that’s why they fought so hard against him. He fought for what was right, and they destroyed him with zero consequences.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:20:29 PM EDT
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If you have a twitter account and your location is the USA, there is no sensitive comment warning.
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What’s up with the sensitive comment warning? They’re blatantly trying to control what Americans see. That should make everyone question the official story.

If you have a twitter account and your location is the USA, there is no sensitive comment warning.

No Twitter here. Must be why.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:22:10 PM EDT
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Name one time in the history of this country where it was anywhere near as fucked up as it is now. The First Lady gave a man a woman of the year award. The president has military officers that dress up as women, and he believes them.

Now, all of this could be explained by two mentally ill people in the White House. The problem is that the rest of the government is behind him as is most of society. America is lost. It makes me nauseous to say that.
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1861 would give 2023 a run for its money.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:22:46 PM EDT
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1861 would give 2023 a run for its money.
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Name one time in the history of this country where it was anywhere near as fucked up as it is now. The First Lady gave a man a woman of the year award. The president has military officers that dress up as women, and he believes them.

Now, all of this could be explained by two mentally ill people in the White House. The problem is that the rest of the government is behind him as is most of society. America is lost. It makes me nauseous to say that.

1861 would give 2023 a run for its money.

Not even close.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:25:15 PM EDT
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15 years ago, you'd be right. A lot has fundamentally changed since then though. The mere fact that he was allowed to say that without being removed from power tells you it's not just "who's in office". The entire government shares his feelings, or they would do something about it. People that will be in place long after he's gone.

This isn't the country I once loved.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.

15 years ago, you'd be right. A lot has fundamentally changed since then though. The mere fact that he was allowed to say that without being removed from power tells you it's not just "who's in office". The entire government shares his feelings, or they would do something about it. People that will be in place long after he's gone.

This isn't the country I once loved.

Sounds like you just started paying attention 15 years ago then.  You were oblivious until your ox got gored.  It has always been like this, or much worse, read an old newspaper or a history book*.  And "the country I once loved" likely existed only in your mind.

Spoiler alert - a sitting Vice President of the United States once shot and killed the former US Secretary of the Treasury, and was later arrested for treason when he attempted to start his own republic.  

And just wait until you get to the late 1960s!
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:27:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:27:24 PM EDT
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Point of order, but I don't think ANY non-Vietnamese force in Vietnam could be described in the "millions" unless you are speaking cumulatively.
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I think not. China provided millions of men. Who shot Americans.

Point of order, but I don't think ANY non-Vietnamese force in Vietnam could be described in the "millions" unless you are speaking cumulatively.

He probably means Korea. China did send a few hundred thousand “volunteers” to that one.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:30:27 PM EDT
Bold strategy, Cottonski.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:30:57 PM EDT
This thread sucks.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:32:50 PM EDT
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Like when trump was working on building a wall you were pushing against it?

When trump pushed the Europeans to spend more on defense you were against that too?
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Exactly. Putting America first means doing the complete opposite of what the government is currently doing in my opinion.

America, (people/ideals/principles) is completely different than the American government.

Like when trump was working on building a wall you were pushing against it?

When trump pushed the Europeans to spend more on defense you were against that too?

Straw man.  Protecting our own border and pushing Europeans to defend themselves for a change instead of us doing the heavy lifting is indeed America first. Sending billions to defend a third party is not and you are dishonest to conflate the two and it’s an example of the motte and Bailey logical fallacy.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:35:04 PM EDT
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In case the young-uns here may be unfamiliar with exactly what's being depicted in that link because the guy posting that link couldn't find the time to post "spitfire-tipping-v1-flying-bomb" in the link title; WW2 English Spitfires squadrons on alert would catch up and nudge the coasting V2 flying-bomb wingtip against wingtip enough to veer them off course away from London.

That would be quite the trick for Russian Mach1 Mach2 Jets to successfully attempt, vs, English Spits throttled back @ 95 MPH.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:35:17 PM EDT
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Patriotism is the love of one's country Government.  Period.

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Don't you mean?   ^
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:35:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:35:38 PM EDT
So, does Xiden have his Gulf of Tonkin incident now?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:35:59 PM EDT
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Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.

Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:38:31 PM EDT
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Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.

Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.

Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:38:32 PM EDT
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Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.
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They say not to attribute to malice that which can be accounted for by stupidity but Biden is so uncannily wrong all the time I don't think I could do as bad as he has if I was trying to destroy the country.

Please name the biden policies you support.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:38:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:39:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:39:36 PM EDT
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Don't you mean?   ^
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Patriotism is the love of one's country Government.  Period.

Don't you mean?   ^

He can’t separate the two.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:39:50 PM EDT
I see the thread sliding and purse swinging is in full swing
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:39:55 PM EDT
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Waiting for President Dementia's response.
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The drivel and gibberish that comes out of that crap stack's mouth will, according to his handlers and toadies, be heroic and show great leadership.  The media will salivate over his every fart.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:40:33 PM EDT
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The rooskis did not shoot down the drone.  However, there was a collision between the drone and an independently powered, detachable, and steerable part mounted on the rooski jet.
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That my friend is a copypasta explanation dream for US politicians. You should copyright that and sell it.

Well done !!!
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:40:34 PM EDT
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Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.

Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.

Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?

More foreigner owned businesses in the US? Of course I disagree with it. How about reducing taxation and regulation so we can make our own semiconductors? You honestly think he does it if his love for the US or what he and his corrupt family can get out of it?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:41:08 PM EDT
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Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.

Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.

Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?

Biden chooses chocolate ice cream. I agree with him on that. Well son of a bitch.

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:42:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:42:32 PM EDT
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Show us the vid.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:42:33 PM EDT
Is there a code of conduct to behaviour in a war zone so one doesn’t behave “in an unprofessional or safe manner” around an opposing military?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:42:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:43:06 PM EDT
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That my friend is a copypasta explanation dream for US politicians. You should copyright that and sell it.

Well done !!!
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Outstanding red team, get ya a case of beer for that one.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:43:09 PM EDT
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Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?
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those wheels were set in motion under the previous administration

I will give you that there were a handful of trump policies biden did not reverse right away he is attempting to take credit for. The credit should only be he was too stupid to realize they were in place
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:43:15 PM EDT
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Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.

Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.

Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?

That went all the way back to Obama.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:43:54 PM EDT
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More foreigner owned businesses in the US? Of course I disagree with it. How about reducing taxation and regulation so we can make our own semiconductors?
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable. That’s not logical.

Thank you for helping illustrate my point.

You are correct that it’s unreasonable “to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one” and if the first half of that statement was actually correct, then maybe the second half would hold water, but that is not the case. Biden does in fact get things right on occasion, through miracle or just accident. Broken clocks and all that. To base your “logic” and position on the absurd notion that literally everything he does is to harm America shows that you are only interested in hyperbole and intellectually dishonest outrage.

Wrong.  Nothing inside the beltway is done by chance. The “broken clock is right twice a day” is a failed thought process. Please point out all of these Biden positions that are good for America. I’m waiting. Speaking of intellectual dishonesty—you just presented that in spades.

Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?

More foreigner owned businesses in the US? Of course I disagree with it. How about reducing taxation and regulation so we can make our own semiconductors?

The act in question offers plenty of support to American businesses as well.

But I think you already knew that and just needed to narrow the scope enough to pretend it’s a bad thing.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:46:04 PM EDT
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those wheels were set in motion under the previous administration
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Do you not agree with the Biden administrations support of bringing more semiconductor manufacturing to the US?

those wheels were set in motion under the previous administration

Correct, and then Biden continued support for it and signed it into law.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:47:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:49:05 PM EDT
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What is with you guys, and your cutesy dishonesty? You know exactly what I mean.
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I've been saying this since it happened. Nothing new.

Don't forget about Iran, North Korea, China they need your love and support as well.

What is with you guys, and your cutesy dishonesty? You know exactly what I mean.

Oh man, that's rich coming from you, Mr. I Don't Believe There's A War In Ukraine.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:49:58 PM EDT
So were the predictions true? Are the pro-Ukrainian folk clamoring for an escalation and direct war with Russia over this model airplane? Do I need to dust off my WARR!! poster? No? They aren’t? Nobody cares? Huh weird I was told I was supposed to care
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:50:10 PM EDT
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Oh man, that's rich coming from you, Mr. I Don't Believe There's A War In Ukraine.

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I've been saying this since it happened. Nothing new.

Don't forget about Iran, North Korea, China they need your love and support as well.

What is with you guys, and your cutesy dishonesty? You know exactly what I mean.

Oh man, that's rich coming from you, Mr. I Don't Believe There's A War In Ukraine.

There’s that dishonesty again. I never said that.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:50:35 PM EDT
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Just so I’m crystal clear. I don’t think Ukraine is any more corrupt than the US.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.

Bitching on the internet will never do anything but continue to divide. If you want change, and have enough people that agree with you, then go get loud, don't take no for an answer, get uncomfortable. Saying that you have to work, or have other shit to do is just another excuse. If you can't do it, why expect someone else to do it for you?

As much as people like to hate on Ukraine and their problems, they aren't afraid to be uncomfortable and unite. They want change and are still neck deep in the shit they have been trying to get out of. At least learn something from their example. They didn't like their leadership and pushed a pro-Russian president to flee the country.


Just so I’m crystal clear. I don’t think Ukraine is any more corrupt than the US.

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:50:37 PM EDT
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That's the ugliest looking man I've ever seen
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:50:57 PM EDT
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Absolutely not.  That must be how YOU see it.  Not me.

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"I know you are, but what am I?"

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:52:06 PM EDT
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Oh man, that's rich coming from you, Mr. I Don't Believe There's A War In Ukraine.

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Please tell me that’s his honest opinion. That’s like being a modern day flat earther

Anyone can click their way over to Telegram or Twitter and watch MONTHS of videos of humans getting shot and blown up, and these mouth breathers think there isn’t a war?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:52:08 PM EDT
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He probably means Korea. China did send a few hundred thousand “volunteers” to that one.
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I said what I meant which was Korea and Vietnam.
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