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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:42:04 PM EDT
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Fuck those guys. Fucking jack boot thugs!
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Not quite yet, but as the decent ones bail and are replaced with shitbags.

Samething will probably happen to .mil

Aren't you a cop?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:43:26 PM EDT
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Trudeau's minions abuse and grab a lady, her crime? Trying to get a coffee in Ottawa!

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Yeah, fuck that specific guy.  He's a giant piece of shit.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:45:52 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Peaceful protests only work against morale oppressors.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:56:38 PM EDT
I was up north and fellow subjects called the cops on me for boating by myself on a lake because der Whitler deemed it illegal. Faggot ass probably fucks his uncle all day long cop was not happy,  he showed up to assert the law was the law and should be followed.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 5:26:53 PM EDT
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If the COC has created a protected class that is above reproach for disgusting behavior- maybe we should say "fuck the COC"
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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 5:43:35 PM EDT
I'm confused, I thought I read recently Canadian law enforcement supports the truckers?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 5:47:39 PM EDT
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You mean the guys that ride houses with Redcoats?

Redcoats? Where have we seen this before?
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C'mon, guys. You're going to get this locked unless you keep the conversation specifically to the RCMP.

You mean the guys that ride houses with Redcoats?

Redcoats? Where have we seen this before?

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 5:48:35 PM EDT
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IMO, the last few years has been tough on the law enforcement profession.  Lots of people have quit because they won't be part of where things are going.

That means the remaining are purged, filtered and cohesive.  That scares me.  The ones left are being distilled into the standing army we were warned against.
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The left has been attacking police professionalism for decades. Many of the decent people in policing have left,  are planning on leaving, work in small communities, or are holding on until retirement. What's left is the detritus that cannot be trusted. There are plenty of decent cops out there but over the next decade they to will be chased out and only those who follow orders without question will be left. Imagine local cops as scummy as the Capitol police in every town from coast to coast.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 5:49:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 6:25:28 PM EDT
FYI, where RCMP is concerned, this is certainly nothing new.  In fact you could make the argument that they are simply carrying on a long-standing tradition.

Look up the Winnipeg General Strike and Bloody Saturday.

In a documentary I watched, probably more than 25 years ago, eyewitness statements from that day told how the NWMP, after shooting and clubbing strikers, rode back across Market Square, twirling their pistols Hollywood-western style.

Definitely nothing new.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 7:53:06 PM EDT
Ike should have put these tough guys on Omaha.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 7:54:42 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Police here have already chosen their side.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 7:58:31 PM EDT
What round for Horses?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:01:24 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:02:40 PM EDT
What is the “red zone”?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:04:00 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Canadian cops are much more polite.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:07:10 PM EDT
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Mercenaries for the oligarchs.

It seems that Peace Officers aren't oppressors if they are deputies for an elected sheriff. Other employment arrangements seem to engender the stomping of old ladies accompanied by bragging. The civilian oversight is just too far removed.
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Yeah I don't fault the peace officers, anyore than I fault average citizens for standing around while people get stomped.  Lets face it, life is comfy for everyone, why fuck it up.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:09:38 PM EDT
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The left has been attacking police professionalism for decades. Many of the decent people in policing have left,  are planning on leaving, work in small communities, or are holding on until retirement. What's left is the detritus that cannot be trusted. There are plenty of decent cops out there but over the next decade they to will be chased out and only those who follow orders without question will be left. Imagine local cops as scummy as the Capitol police in every town from coast to coast.
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IMO, the last few years has been tough on the law enforcement profession.  Lots of people have quit because they won't be part of where things are going.

That means the remaining are purged, filtered and cohesive.  That scares me.  The ones left are being distilled into the standing army we were warned against.
The left has been attacking police professionalism for decades. Many of the decent people in policing have left,  are planning on leaving, work in small communities, or are holding on until retirement. What's left is the detritus that cannot be trusted. There are plenty of decent cops out there but over the next decade they to will be chased out and only those who follow orders without question will be left. Imagine local cops as scummy as the Capitol police in every town from coast to coast.

We had a gal originally from Twin Falls that worked with us for awhile after she left her $40.00 / hr job at Seattle PD as a patrol officer.  Her pay would have been bumped up to $45.00 / hr if she had stayed and completed her training (post FTO phase from what I understood her to say).  

The last straw for her was being told to hold the line against the rioters disarmed.  Super nice gal but weighed all of 100 lbs at most, and I'm not sure how someone that small can really do that job on the street with some of the worst that humanity has to offer in that shithole.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:13:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:14:51 PM EDT
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2020 taught us what cops here will do.
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
2020 taught us what cops here will do.

Just following orders.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:17:07 PM EDT
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Trudeau's minions abuse and grab a lady, her crime? Trying to get a coffee in Ottawa!

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Man those big bad cunts are scary. Cant wait till those pieces of shit do that to the wrong person. Ill be sipping my coke.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:25:18 PM EDT
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Canadian cops are much more polite.
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Stop resisting buddy!
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:29:07 PM EDT
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Local PD's are way less political then state/fed police departments.  I see a lot more us vs them mentality from larger depts.  Fixing LE starts with removing politics from it.  I have NO idea how that could be accomplished.  Maybe start with money/pay and what influence politicians have over it.
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Locally our Sheriff and PD released official statements that said “fuck that” when C19 got started.

They’ve stayed true to their word and have not been involved in any shenanigans.

Local PD's are way less political then state/fed police departments.  I see a lot more us vs them mentality from larger depts.  Fixing LE starts with removing politics from it.  I have NO idea how that could be accomplished.  Maybe start with money/pay and what influence politicians have over it.

Replace Police Departments with Sheriffs; no more appointed heads, only elected ones.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:29:44 PM EDT
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Fuck the police
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Someone needs a snickers.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:37:42 PM EDT
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Imagine thinking being so hard for for someone that they use an oath as an excuse to blindly follow tyrannical orders rather than question if they took an oath to the devil.
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Sorry thinking is hard for you.  I never said I agree with it as I do not. But you do understand as RCMP they swear an oath of allegiance to the government first, the an oath of officein that order.

Again, I don't agree with it at all, but for whatever reason, the oath of alleging everything comes first.   I believe the third oath they take is about lawful orders so they  so believe that, just curious about the order of the oaths as it is not the US.
Imagine thinking being so hard for for someone that they use an oath as an excuse to blindly follow tyrannical orders rather than question if they took an oath to the devil.

On this I agree wholeheartedly.  You are not wrong.  If they never questioned their oaths before, this should cause them to do so now.   If they continue on, it IS about dental plans rather than moral right and wrong.

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:42:23 PM EDT
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It is high time the police, ALL police pick a fucking side and let us all know what side that is because it seems like you're picking the wrong one time and again.
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They did pick a side. They already let us know. very clearly. which side they picked.

If you don’t know which side they picked by now…not sure what it’ll take for you to recognize.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:45:02 PM EDT
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The left has been attacking police professionalism for decades. Many of the decent people in policing have left,  are planning on leaving, work in small communities, or are holding on until retirement. What's left is the detritus that cannot be trusted. There are plenty of decent cops out there but over the next decade they to will be chased out and only those who follow orders without question will be left. Imagine local cops as scummy as the Capitol police in every town from coast to coast.
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Like we saw for the the last summer? That is all we heard was "following orders". Cities burned and Portland is still being held by the scum.

If there are any good ones left in the last 1.5  years they are few and far between.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:55:41 PM EDT
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Convince me that the larger and woke law enforcement agencies are NOT using their applicant background and psych screening to weed out candidates not willing to do the dirty work.
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My suspicion is, this is exactly how it works. I would be very surprised if they didn’t search social media accounts to weed out the wrong political views. Lol, in the name of diversity.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 8:58:40 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Will do ? They have done plenty since covid started here.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 9:05:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 9:10:35 PM EDT
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Dress a bunch of daisies in battle rattle and they get to live their life long dream of being a cosplay commando.   The RCMP used to be respected when they had real men wearing those iconic red surges.  Now, they are laughed at because of their diversity hires.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:41:30 PM EDT
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not all the cops.

but then again, you only see what you wanna see.
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LOL, do you think they review their oath every day and make sure they are adhering to it?  They do what their leadership instructs them to, after all keeping their paychecks and pensions are the most important things in their lives.  If your life gets in the way of them earning a living they will "just follow orders" and eliminate you.

This was made abundantly clear when the covid lockdowns started and the cops started harassing citizens for doing things like going to church, not wearing a mask, or showing up at their state capitol buildings.

not all the cops.

but then again, you only see what you wanna see.

All cops want to earn a paycheck so they can take care of themselves and famili.  They all also want to go home safely.  They all want a nice retirement check for doing the work.   The only time they don't care about things is if they stop being a cop.  

All cops will be given orders to carry out that they disagree with and they will do as their told, maybe half heartedly with a lot of leeway but they will still follow their orders.  If they quit over it, then they are no longer cops and whoever steps in to replace them will carry out those orders.  See how that works.  Cops are agents of the government, they are not servants of the public.  

That applies to my brother.  He gave people a lot of leeway/warnings when it enforcing the lockdowns their Governor ordered.  If people didn't get this hint then he was ready to follow his orders.  Why?  Because he has a family to support and a retirement to finish earning.  Sure he is counting down the seconds until he can get his years and get out because being in law enforcement is now a terrible job.  But he isn't risking his paycheck and retirement because someone else doesn't want to follow the Governors orders.    

Link Posted: 2/21/2022 10:06:22 AM EDT
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I can't hear what they are saying, so I don't understand why they are threatening to break in, what is the context?
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 11:06:17 AM EDT
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It has always been the 5% doing the grunt work in any issue involving freedom.

The rest stand on the sidelines.

What's next after the jack boots in Canada stomp the truckers.

Maybe a low grade insurgency type of operation against the Canadian government using the supply chain against them?
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Supply chain for now, sure, but when, NOT if, the guns come out and the disappearances begin: Officer families.

Police without near full support of those they're entrusted to serve are in an unbelievably precarious situation. It is stupid easy to figure out where someone lives these days. Pull the shit they're pulling up there and piss people off enough, especially those who traditionally support the police, and those RCMP shits are in real trouble.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 11:21:27 AM EDT
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Supply chain for now, sure, but when, NOT if, the guns come out and the disappearances begin: Officer families.

Police without near full support of those they're entrusted to serve are in an unbelievably precarious situation. It is stupid easy to figure out where someone lives these days. Pull the shit they're pulling up there and piss people off enough, especially those who traditionally support the police, and those RCMP shits are in real trouble.
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It has always been the 5% doing the grunt work in any issue involving freedom.

The rest stand on the sidelines.

What's next after the jack boots in Canada stomp the truckers.

Maybe a low grade insurgency type of operation against the Canadian government using the supply chain against them?

Supply chain for now, sure, but when, NOT if, the guns come out and the disappearances begin: Officer families.

Police without near full support of those they're entrusted to serve are in an unbelievably precarious situation. It is stupid easy to figure out where someone lives these days. Pull the shit they're pulling up there and piss people off enough, especially those who traditionally support the police, and those RCMP shits are in real trouble.

This is the glaringly obvious truth.

"Police" enjoy the comfort and safety of their homes entirely at the courtesy of those they live amongst.

This will also get you a brown smudge in your ARF-file for suggesting it is a legitimate response to tyranny.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 11:27:41 AM EDT
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Huh, looks like they’re using signal, correct?
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Huh, looks like they’re using signal, correct?

Probably been answered, but WhatsApp.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 11:30:05 AM EDT
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This is the glaringly obvious truth.

"Police" enjoy the comfort and safety of their homes entirely at the courtesy of those they live amongst.

This will also get you a brown smudge in your ARF-file for suggesting it is a legitimate response to tyranny.
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It has always been the 5% doing the grunt work in any issue involving freedom.

The rest stand on the sidelines.

What's next after the jack boots in Canada stomp the truckers.

Maybe a low grade insurgency type of operation against the Canadian government using the supply chain against them?

Supply chain for now, sure, but when, NOT if, the guns come out and the disappearances begin: Officer families.

Police without near full support of those they're entrusted to serve are in an unbelievably precarious situation. It is stupid easy to figure out where someone lives these days. Pull the shit they're pulling up there and piss people off enough, especially those who traditionally support the police, and those RCMP shits are in real trouble.

This is the glaringly obvious truth.

"Police" enjoy the comfort and safety of their homes entirely at the courtesy of those they live amongst.

This will also get you a brown smudge in your ARF-file for suggesting it is a legitimate response to tyranny.

If the police, *ALL* police at every level don't want to be lumped in with the JBT's those that disagree with that shit need to step up and be heard because at this point either you're doing it or supporting it.

I'm talking about chiefs of police all the way down to individual officers, but all I am hearing is crickets.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 11:33:57 AM EDT
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Be very careful of what you say.

Posting the kind of discussions my local towns and barbershops are full of gets you banned in most social forums.

Click of the mouse and your opinions are silenced forever.
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You're advocating restraint and compliance when the opposite is desperately required. If you're not endorsing changing this country into China then I would quit trying to stop people from standing up to tyranny.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 12:17:55 PM EDT
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You're advocating restraint and compliance when the opposite is desperately required. If you're not endorsing changing this country into China then I would quit trying to stop people from standing up to tyranny.
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I think he's talking about a specific forum where comments about a specific profession are judged much more harshly.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 12:38:27 PM EDT
Meanwhile, in Paris, the Police did something completely unexpected.

Link Posted: 2/21/2022 1:04:38 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/21/2022 2:36:26 PM EDT
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You're advocating restraint and compliance when the opposite is desperately required. If you're not endorsing changing this country into China then I would quit trying to stop people from standing up to tyranny.
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Be very careful of what you say.

Posting the kind of discussions my local towns and barbershops are full of gets you banned in most social forums.

Click of the mouse and your opinions are silenced forever.

You're advocating restraint and compliance when the opposite is desperately required. If you're not endorsing changing this country into China then I would quit trying to stop people from standing up to tyranny.

He's just reminding people that this site values the opinions and feelings of a certain profession more than those of the membership at large.  

You can blame politicians, voters, hell even the victims.  Just don't blame the guys doing a cavalry charge through elderly civilians or beating women with clubs.  They're a protected class.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 2:40:28 PM EDT
That and beating up, riding over a bunch of protestors allows them to safely go home at night. But, as is often pointed out they live somewhere, they have families.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 3:47:26 PM EDT
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All cops want to earn a paycheck so they can take care of themselves and famili.  They all also want to go home safely.  They all want a nice retirement check for doing the work.   The only time they don't care about things is if they stop being a cop.  

All cops will be given orders to carry out that they disagree with and they will do as their told, maybe half heartedly with a lot of leeway but they will still follow their orders.  If they quit over it, then they are no longer cops and whoever steps in to replace them will carry out those orders.  See how that works.  Cops are agents of the government, they are not servants of the public.  

That applies to my brother.  He gave people a lot of leeway/warnings when it enforcing the lockdowns their Governor ordered.  If people didn't get this hint then he was ready to follow his orders.  Why?  Because he has a family to support and a retirement to finish earning.  Sure he is counting down the seconds until he can get his years and get out because being in law enforcement is now a terrible job.  But he isn't risking his paycheck and retirement because someone else doesn't want to follow the Governors orders.    

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LOL, do you think they review their oath every day and make sure they are adhering to it?  They do what their leadership instructs them to, after all keeping their paychecks and pensions are the most important things in their lives.  If your life gets in the way of them earning a living they will "just follow orders" and eliminate you.

This was made abundantly clear when the covid lockdowns started and the cops started harassing citizens for doing things like going to church, not wearing a mask, or showing up at their state capitol buildings.

not all the cops.

but then again, you only see what you wanna see.

All cops want to earn a paycheck so they can take care of themselves and famili.  They all also want to go home safely.  They all want a nice retirement check for doing the work.   The only time they don't care about things is if they stop being a cop.  

All cops will be given orders to carry out that they disagree with and they will do as their told, maybe half heartedly with a lot of leeway but they will still follow their orders.  If they quit over it, then they are no longer cops and whoever steps in to replace them will carry out those orders.  See how that works.  Cops are agents of the government, they are not servants of the public.  

That applies to my brother.  He gave people a lot of leeway/warnings when it enforcing the lockdowns their Governor ordered.  If people didn't get this hint then he was ready to follow his orders.  Why?  Because he has a family to support and a retirement to finish earning.  Sure he is counting down the seconds until he can get his years and get out because being in law enforcement is now a terrible job.  But he isn't risking his paycheck and retirement because someone else doesn't want to follow the Governors orders.    

"I was just following orders" is never an excuse for illegal activities by law enforcement.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 4:54:23 PM EDT
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"I was just following orders" is never an excuse for illegal activities by law enforcement.
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LOL, do you think they review their oath every day and make sure they are adhering to it?  They do what their leadership instructs them to, after all keeping their paychecks and pensions are the most important things in their lives.  If your life gets in the way of them earning a living they will "just follow orders" and eliminate you.

This was made abundantly clear when the covid lockdowns started and the cops started harassing citizens for doing things like going to church, not wearing a mask, or showing up at their state capitol buildings.

not all the cops.

but then again, you only see what you wanna see.

All cops want to earn a paycheck so they can take care of themselves and famili.  They all also want to go home safely.  They all want a nice retirement check for doing the work.   The only time they don't care about things is if they stop being a cop.  

All cops will be given orders to carry out that they disagree with and they will do as their told, maybe half heartedly with a lot of leeway but they will still follow their orders.  If they quit over it, then they are no longer cops and whoever steps in to replace them will carry out those orders.  See how that works.  Cops are agents of the government, they are not servants of the public.  

That applies to my brother.  He gave people a lot of leeway/warnings when it enforcing the lockdowns their Governor ordered.  If people didn't get this hint then he was ready to follow his orders.  Why?  Because he has a family to support and a retirement to finish earning.  Sure he is counting down the seconds until he can get his years and get out because being in law enforcement is now a terrible job.  But he isn't risking his paycheck and retirement because someone else doesn't want to follow the Governors orders.    

"I was just following orders" is never an excuse for illegal activities by law enforcement.

He's not excusing the behavior in any way just explaining the why and he's right.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 8:49:50 PM EDT
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He's not excusing the behavior in any way just explaining the why and he's right.
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No, he's wrong.  He's willing to to forego a moral high ground for a paycheck. Like in the book The Firm, once you popped-out a couple of kids you became a slave.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 8:58:53 PM EDT
Do only what is expected of me,
With no emotions my feelings suppressed.
Blind obedience carries me through it all.
Conscience a word I learned to forget.
March on through the rivers of red.
Flesh burns, it fills the air.
Forced to fight, behind,
The crooked cross.
Link Posted: 2/21/2022 9:17:01 PM EDT
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No, he's wrong.  He's willing to to forego a moral high ground for a paycheck. Like in the book The Firm, once you popped-out a couple of kids you became a slave.
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He's not excusing the behavior in any way just explaining the why and he's right.

No, he's wrong.  He's willing to to forego a moral high ground for a paycheck. Like in the book The Firm, once you popped-out a couple of kids you became a slave.

He isn't a cop, he hasn't forgone anything.  He's saying that cops still use the Nuremberg defense to justify their actions, even though everyone knows it's wrong.  

If he had said "Wasps sting people," it wouldn't mean he's a wasp or that he supports stinging people.  He's telling it like it is, not endorsing it.
Link Posted: 2/22/2022 11:20:05 AM EDT
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All cops want to earn a paycheck so they can take care of themselves and famili.  They all also want to go home safely.  They all want a nice retirement check for doing the work.   The only time they don't care about things is if they stop being a cop.  

All cops will be given orders to carry out that they disagree with and they will do as their told, maybe half heartedly with a lot of leeway but they will still follow their orders.  If they quit over it, then they are no longer cops and whoever steps in to replace them will carry out those orders.  See how that works.  Cops are agents of the government, they are not servants of the public.  

That applies to my brother.  He gave people a lot of leeway/warnings when it enforcing the lockdowns their Governor ordered.  If people didn't get this hint then he was ready to follow his orders.  Why?  Because he has a family to support and a retirement to finish earning.  Sure he is counting down the seconds until he can get his years and get out because being in law enforcement is now a terrible job.  But he isn't risking his paycheck and retirement because someone else doesn't want to follow the Governors orders.    

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We get it. His paycheck is more important than his oath.
Link Posted: 2/22/2022 11:27:52 AM EDT
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The left has been attacking police professionalism for decades. Many of the decent people in policing have left,  are planning on leaving, work in small communities, or are holding on until retirement. What's left is the detritus that cannot be trusted. There are plenty of decent cops out there but over the next decade they to will be chased out and only those who follow orders without question will be left. Imagine local cops as scummy as the Capitol police in every town from coast to coast.
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Imagine how poorly that would go for those country bumpkin police officers. I think my town has eight officers.
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