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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:30:14 PM EDT
Janet Yellen can FOAD
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:31:24 PM EDT
All they need to do is put me in charge of the budget and I will have it in great shape within several weeks...maybe a few months.

I get 5% of the amount that I cut and Congress and the illegitimate occupier of the White House have to pass any legislation I need within a week or two (if procedures allow) of my asking.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:31:48 PM EDT
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In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.

Shutdowns have always been mostly show.  During them "non-essential" personnel are furloughed for the duration.  This always makes people say "Just fire them if they aren't essential", but folks fail to realize that there are things that can slide to the right if you have to.  For example, the ATF may have NFA examiners be non-essential since they won't immediately fail if stamps get delayed, but I don't think any of us want them permanently deferred.  The same goes with IT system upgrades, we can just delay them until we can't.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:31:54 PM EDT
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

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Got to close all the National Parks first.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:32:50 PM EDT
McCarthy needs to make this the most expensive debt deal the dems have ever seen.  "Fuck you" negotiations.  Term limits, sane energy policy, etc... attached to it, or no deal and the fed .gov gets cut by half or more.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:32:54 PM EDT
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Labor costs are high and driving inflation.

Now is a great time to cut all federal workers and increase the pool of workers to drive labor inflation down.

Not to mention it would also drive our debt down.

It’s literally win/win/win, we’ll except if you are a .gov overpaid/inefficient turd.
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Air travel would get suddenly exciting.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:34:15 PM EDT
fuck biden and all those democrats.  They've been stealing our money and our children's children's money for decades.

There is PLENTY that can be cut from this bloated .gov  - including the salaries and benefits of the three branches.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:34:26 PM EDT
As always they’ll shut down national parks, social security and any and all welfare then blame anyone they can
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:34:34 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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A good place to start would be the entirety of the ATF.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:38:48 PM EDT
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We could cut FIRE 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions BILLIONS


Start with congress...like the higher paying ones........of course they would get rid of the ones that don't follow the narrative...then again 87% of them are in on it....
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:41:34 PM EDT
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You could cut 100%, including the military, and still not close the deficit.
Medicare, medicaid, and Social Security make up 2/3s of the budget.
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The other 3rd pretty soon is going to be interest on the debt we owe already..........then eventually half the budget.........then.....
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:41:57 PM EDT
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A good place to start would be the entirety of the ATF.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

A good place to start would be the entirety of the ATF.

$1.4B in FY20.  You're 0.1% to a balanced budget.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:42:49 PM EDT
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Shutdowns have always been mostly show.  During them "non-essential" personnel are furloughed for the duration.  This always makes people say "Just fire them if they aren't essential", but folks fail to realize that there are things that can slide to the right if you have to.  For example, the ATF may have NFA examiners be non-essential since they won't immediately fail if stamps get delayed, but I don't think any of us want them permanently deferred.  The same goes with IT system upgrades, we can just delay them until we can't.
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You are thinking too small. Get rid of the ATF, can't afford it.

I see you posting the suggested cuts won't really have an impact, so what is your plan? We have to start somewhere, especially when the net liability per citizen exceeds their net assets ..
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:44:56 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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We could close down the entire government permanently and still be fucked for decades if not a century.  EVERY American owes something like $94,000.  You got that kind of couch change?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:46:21 PM EDT
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You are thinking too small. Get rid of the ATF, can't afford it.

I see you posting the suggested cuts won't really have an impact, so what is your plan? We have to start somewhere, especially when the net liability per citizen exceeds their net assets ..
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Shutdowns have always been mostly show.  During them "non-essential" personnel are furloughed for the duration.  This always makes people say "Just fire them if they aren't essential", but folks fail to realize that there are things that can slide to the right if you have to.  For example, the ATF may have NFA examiners be non-essential since they won't immediately fail if stamps get delayed, but I don't think any of us want them permanently deferred.  The same goes with IT system upgrades, we can just delay them until we can't.
You are thinking too small. Get rid of the ATF, can't afford it.

I see you posting the suggested cuts won't really have an impact, so what is your plan? We have to start somewhere, especially when the net liability per citizen exceeds their net assets ..

I'm just pointing out that it's absurd to talk about the budget while ignoring the largest expenses.  What we are doing is no different than a man with a huge spending problem considering cutting out buying a soda with lunch.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:46:39 PM EDT
Cut foreign aid - we’re broke
Don’t spend a dime on changing military base names - we can’t afford it
Cut any benefits to illegals at the border or elsewhere - if they don’t like it, they are welcome to go home.

Not enough but at least a start.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:48:57 PM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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I'm afraid it's really not going to matter much, by then.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:49:04 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:51:30 PM EDT
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This is a good question/statement but I must ask this...Why campaign if it's all fixed/rigged anyway? I'm being serious. Why not save the money for more "crap" they want to buy or whatever.
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They can't cut spending.  How would they launder money and fund campaigns?

This is a good question/statement but I must ask this...Why campaign if it's all fixed/rigged anyway? I'm being serious. Why not save the money for more "crap" they want to buy or whatever.

Campaigning is laundering money to the media
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:54:05 PM EDT
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A good place to start would be the entirety of the ATF.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

A good place to start would be the entirety of the ATF.

Yep, their enormous budget is what’s to blame.  
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:56:39 PM EDT
Shut it down.  Shut it ALL down.

Until the budget balances again.

First thing to shutter is the so-called refugee housing/processing at the border.   "Sorry, we're out of money.  Come back in a month."

The very very FIRST things to be shuttered SHOULD be any and all services to non-citizens, not just the refugee program, but also including suspension of all foreign aid for the duration of the shutdown.  ALL of it.  
I mean, are we out of money or aren't we?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 12:59:50 PM EDT
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

Yes they could.  
But the numbers are so large at this point
those billions are like getting 87 cents
off at the Versace store in Vegas.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:00:32 PM EDT
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Shut it down.  Shut it ALL down.

Until the budget balances again.

First thing to shutter is the so-called refugee housing/processing at the border.   "Sorry, we're out of money.  Come back in a month."
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You know what's the shit show in our federal budget?  For FY22 there is $4,896B in revenue.  Of that, $4,018B goes to "mandatory" programs.  
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:00:46 PM EDT
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In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.
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In previous shut downs....they sent people home....then in "2 weeks" they were brought back and got back pay....free vacation is what it amounted to.  If congress goes down this road I wouldn't be shocked to see a longer time and possibly no backpay.  

We have gone so far down the drain it is going to leave bunch of bruises if they are able to retrieve us from the bottom.  The sooner "We bring the pain" though the better chance we have....though I believe to little to late really.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:01:07 PM EDT
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In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.
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That's because it's all for show.  
The ONLY thing they 'shut down' are things that normal people actually see and use.  They make a big show about putting up barriers at parks, when in reality, those things are a virtually microscopic expense.   It's like saying you're getting rid of excess food in your pantry, and then throwing out a single grain of rice.

It literally costs them more to put up the barriers than it costs them to run.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:02:08 PM EDT
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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.
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It's about 50% of the discretionary budget.

The mandatory budget, which includes social security, medicare, medicaid, interest on the national debt, etc. is about 2/3 of the overall federal budget.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:02:59 PM EDT
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In previous shut downs....they sent people home....then in "2 weeks" they were brought back and got back pay....free vacation is what it amounted to.  If congress goes down this road I wouldn't be shocked to see a longer time and possibly no backpay.  

We have gone so far down the drain it is going to leave bunch of bruises if they are able to retrieve us from the bottom.  The sooner "We bring the pain" though the better chance we have....though I believe to little to late really.
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In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.

In previous shut downs....they sent people home....then in "2 weeks" they were brought back and got back pay....free vacation is what it amounted to.  If congress goes down this road I wouldn't be shocked to see a longer time and possibly no backpay.  

We have gone so far down the drain it is going to leave bunch of bruises if they are able to retrieve us from the bottom.  The sooner "We bring the pain" though the better chance we have....though I believe to little to late really.

Under current federal law, furloughed employees are required to be paid.

If you want to RIF employees then do it the legal way rather than being a shitty employer.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:03:23 PM EDT
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Shut it down.  Shut it ALL down.

Until the budget balances again.

First thing to shutter is the so-called refugee housing/processing at the border.   "Sorry, we're out of money.  Come back in a month."
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"...and here...take this illegal family back South with you."
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:03:48 PM EDT
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It's about 50% of the discretionary budget.

The mandatory budget, which includes social security, medicare, medicaid, interest on the national debt, etc. is about 2/3 of the overall federal budget.
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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.

It's about 50% of the discretionary budget.

The mandatory budget, which includes social security, medicare, medicaid, interest on the national debt, etc. is about 2/3 of the overall federal budget.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:05:34 PM EDT
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Cut foreign aid - we’re broke
Don’t spend a dime on changing military base names - we can’t afford it
Cut any benefits to illegals at the border or elsewhere - if they don’t like it, they are welcome to go home.

Not enough but at least a start.
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When CA gives out "repartitions" and then the Gov gives federal dollars to CA....we all get to pay for one states "good idea fairy"....
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:06:03 PM EDT
Why even bother having a debt ceiling at this point? It means nothing. Every single time we run into it the answer is to Simply raise it
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:09:03 PM EDT
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Why even bother having a debt ceiling at this point? It means nothing. Every single time we run into it the answer is to Simply raise it
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Truthfully the debt ceiling should be tied to the spending that authorizes the debt.  But Congress loves a crisis and drama.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:11:49 PM EDT
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There you go,  get rid of SS and Medicare.  problem solved.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:15:13 PM EDT
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Fun fact:  a Trillion one dollar bills stacked together at .04 of an inch thick makes a stack 63,000 MILES high.

Or….2+ times around the earth if you will.
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It's not real money.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:15:15 PM EDT
They'll never stop spending or be accountable

A core part of the liberal dem mind is spending money means you're progressive and "doing something". A republican not spending means money is cut off and oppressive for some underprivledged opressed group
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:15:44 PM EDT
Cut the graft out of the budget.  Congress gives planned parenthood money which planned parenthood then donates the money to democrats.  
Make all churches pay taxes.
100% review of all SSI claims.
100% review of all VA disability claims
100% review of all SS payments.
No more Obama phones
No more renaming military bases
Institute a VAT / sales tax
Eliminate income tax

Mandatory balanced budget amendment
Stop spending $$$$ on pork and stupid shit.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:16:19 PM EDT
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.
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I think this is where it would get ugly and quick and I don’t think there’s any synchronization between congress and the Treasury department. I’m sure FJB’s cabinet henchmen/women would love to make this as painful as possible for congress, but I’m pretty sure some priorities are baked in, but that confusion will be in the details.

I think priority number 1 is the interest payments to our debtors, but do we pay foreign debtors before American debtors?

I think the SS, medicare/caid  programs are pretty high on the priority list. Sadly, I think welfare is as well.

Government agencies have their own protocol and regulatory guidance for shutdowns. Salaries suspended, keeping the lights on and essential systems/programs running with essential-only personnel, actually listed in their position description and it’s very, very few. Same goes for the military, but they all work for no salary; no non-essential travel, no new contracts, no training, basically answering phones and sweeping out motor pools.

Social programs and Defense always gets hit first because it’s the biggest attention-getting cuts for political pressure. I say fuck it, including defense, every agency and department gets an 50% budget cut and those not involved in defense, get a 50% workforce cut. That will cull out a lot of the stupid, non-mission essential, CRT, climate change programs (although I think the fucking retarded pentagon actually has Climate Change as a primary national defense threat

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:18:50 PM EDT
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Under current federal law, furloughed employees are required to be paid.

If you want to RIF employees then do it the legal way rather than being a shitty employer.
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In the previous "shut downs", I don't recall anything exciting happening. I wish they would dig in, but they won't.

In previous shut downs....they sent people home....then in "2 weeks" they were brought back and got back pay....free vacation is what it amounted to.  If congress goes down this road I wouldn't be shocked to see a longer time and possibly no backpay.  

We have gone so far down the drain it is going to leave bunch of bruises if they are able to retrieve us from the bottom.  The sooner "We bring the pain" though the better chance we have....though I believe to little to late really.

Under current federal law, furloughed employees are required to be paid.

If you want to RIF employees then do it the legal way rather than being a shitty employer.

Good point.   Fire Half, to start with.   Then, see how much you can pare it down from there.   Far too many people on glorified welfare.  
The producers are getting tired of the burden.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:19:02 PM EDT
Extraordinary actions would be quit spending like retards and pay down your debt, lol who the F am I kidding
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:21:38 PM EDT
This seems somehow appropriate:

In the shuffling madness
Of the locomotive breath
Runs the all-time loser
Headlong to his death
He feels the piston scraping
Steam breaking on his brow

Old Charlie stole the handle
And the train it won't stop going
No way to slow down
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:23:29 PM EDT
Is this why WEF fizzled out?

I hope nothing passes and it all burns down.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:24:42 PM EDT
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It will always be increased, otherwise the global financial system implodes.

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What happens when we can’t even make the interest payment?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:26:57 PM EDT
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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.
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Not quite:

Our "social services and safety nets" are the biggest. That said, even as one in the military industrial complex, there is so much waste, stupidity, and non-essential spending that they probably could cut 50% and still have a fully functional, mission focused force. The only challenge is getting mission-focused leaders instead of tranny-pimping, CRT-loving, climate change warriors.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:27:08 PM EDT
An excellent idea and I totally concur. However, from having been in the Govt for 34 years until 12/31 on my retirement can anyone tell me why this will NEVER happen?

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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:28:10 PM EDT
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We'll get a last minute bipartisan bill, in which the entirety of congress shoves in all of their bullshit pet projects for their financial puppet masters, and then they will all clap and blow each other while screeching about how they just saved democracy.
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Everyone should read this and then read it again.
This is exactly what’s going to happen.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:28:53 PM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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and to think when Reagan took office we were not a trillion in debt. Everyone who voted to put us in debt for BS needs to be hung by the neck on the National Mall. Those who are already dead need to be dug up and hung.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:31:30 PM EDT
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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.

It's about 50% of the discretionary budget.

The mandatory budget, which includes social security, medicare, medicaid, interest on the national debt, etc. is about 2/3 of the overall federal budget.


Holy carp, it went way the fuck up from the last time I researched it.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:31:42 PM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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3 more that BILLION and 6 more than MILLION.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:32:07 PM EDT
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The number isn't as important as the fact that it towers over our rather stagnant GDP.
The feds owe more money than what our entire national economy can produce. That's the frightening part.
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My neighbor who was a life long dem was stunned when I told him this. He did not believe it and had to look it up.

He was also anti-gun but had a shotgun and sold it illegally without a required BC check. It was as set up and he was arrested.  I laughed my ass off.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:32:42 PM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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87 trillion.

Or 0...
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