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Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:03:55 AM EDT
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Better yet, good luck getting one to pick you up from there  
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Prepare for an awkward ride when the uber driver realizes he's dropping you off at jail
Better yet, good luck getting one to pick you up from there  
No problem, just look for the guy wearing stripes, that would be me.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:06:01 AM EDT
Did your brother take the fall for the murder you committed?
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:10:02 AM EDT
They search vehicles and people at visitation here.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:29:16 AM EDT
put it in a birthday cake

or prison wallet
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:35:13 AM EDT
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He got 11 years and has 1 left. I swore I wouldn't go see him, but think it's time to have a face to face sit down. I've told him in several letters why he's not just walking back in my life like he wants to do.
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Eleven years for what?

Couldn't be rape and or murder as he'd been out in five to seven.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:36:37 AM EDT
I'm going to visit my Brother for the first time in state prison tomorrow. It's a 45 minute drive from where I live. I always take a small first responder type bag everywhere I go that has a little  bit of everything including a small pistol and extra mag. I'm going to leave my CCW at home, but hate being that far from home without my bag.

I'm not sure about the law regarding bringing a firearm to the prison, even if it is locked in my trunk. I was reading online that they walk dogs around the parking lot looking for drugs and explosives.

Should I leave all firearms at home?
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Former Florida DOC employee here and my wife is currently employed by them.

You small first responder type bag is probably fine as long as you have nothing containing contraband in it. No prescription medications that aren't yours, no knives and the like.

Guns are verboten don't even think about it. In fact I'd search your car for any loose ammunition or anything that might have fallen out. Take out any pocket knives or anything like that.

When you go inside leave you cell phone in the car.

I believe the maximum amount of cash you can bring in with you is 50 bucks. Personally, I'd bring less than that but that's me.

Here's the visitors FAQ: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ci/visit.html
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:40:44 AM EDT
DOCs have changed a lot in recent times.  In VA we use to have hunt clubs hint prison lands.  Now even DOC staff will be prosecuted for nonissued/unauthorized carry.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:43:52 AM EDT
In for WTF he did to get 11......
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:44:23 AM EDT
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Eleven years for what?

Couldn't be rape and or murder as he'd been out in five to seven.
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Robbery + Habitual Offender
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:46:05 AM EDT
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Did your brother take the fall for the murder you committed?
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Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:49:05 AM EDT
In GA any vehicle that is on DOC grounds is subject to search, a gun found could result in you being assigned to the bunk next to your brother.  That said they may not search your vehicle, do not have anything suspicious visible.

Wear pants, no shorts.  Sleeves on the shirt, no wife beater.  I know it is summer, but do not expect to be able to take a overcoat in.

Have your license plate number either memorized of written down, take your car insurance stuff in with you.

Pat yourself down before you go in, better yet do a pocket dump.  Only take keys, wallet (sans lockpicks / razor blade), loose change for pop and vending machines.  Nothing else!

Hmmm, that is about all I can remember, have not worked visitation in like 6-7 years, the last couple years I was on the floor they stopped having me work visitation because I went by the rules and did not let the visitors just do what they wanted.  Oh one more thing, are you sure you are on his visitation list, or has a special visit for you?
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:53:37 AM EDT
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I’ll just say that I’ve been visiting correctional facilities including supermax institutions as a contractor for years and have never once had my vehicle searched

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Despite appearances, security at many institutions is almost as much theater as at the airport. Esoecially when it comes to visitors/contractors.
I'll bet no one's going to search your car.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:57:16 AM EDT
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DOCs have changed a lot in recent times.  In VA we use to have hunt clubs hint prison lands.  Now even DOC staff will be prosecuted for nonissued/unauthorized carry.
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I worked at a road camp in the 70s and on our days off we could go there and deer/small game/bird hunt if we wanted. You just had to let the shift that was working know you were there.

LOL....I saw a flock of turkey in the field next to the camp and the watch commander grabbed a 870 from the gun locker and went after them......We had wild turkey for supper.

Sigh, different times....Like you said now employees can't legally bring their EDC weapon to work. Nature finds a way though.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 7:59:08 AM EDT
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Despite appearances, security at many institutions is almost as much theater as at the airport. Esoecially when it comes to visitors/contractors.
I'll bet no one's going to search your car.
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I've been to a lot of prisons and never had a vehicle search, or really seen provisions for a vehicle search, unless you are actually entering gates to intake/ discharge/ a Sally port / whatever. For those they will probably pop your hood, trunk, and look under the car with a mirror. Doesn't matter if you're in a marked LEO vehicle or not, that's standard, and I cant imagine a non-employee or contractor vehicle being allowed in those locations anyway.

The vast majority of prisons you just drive up and park at. Prisons get a lot of visitors and there is a lot of staff coming and going besides. Searching cars in parking lots, unless it is super shady and suspicious, isn't something they would have time for.

Now some super max facilities and fed camps might be a bit different, but a garden variety state facility? Most are pretty similar state to state.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:11:03 AM EDT
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I've been to a lot of prisons and never had a vehicle search, or really seen provisions for a vehicle search, unless you are actually entering gates to intake/ discharge/ a Sally port / whatever. For those they will probably pop your hood, trunk, and look under the car with a mirror. Doesn't matter if you're in a marked LEO vehicle or not, that's standard, and I cant imagine a non-employee or contractor vehicle being allowed in those locations anyway.

The vast majority of prisons you just drive up and park at. Prisons get a lot of visitors and there is a lot of staff coming and going besides. Searching cars in parking lots, unless it is super shady and suspicious, isn't something they would have time for.

Now some super max facilities and fed camps might be a bit different, but a garden variety state facility? Most are pretty similar state to state.
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Despite appearances, security at many institutions is almost as much theater as at the airport. Esoecially when it comes to visitors/contractors.
I'll bet no one's going to search your car.
I've been to a lot of prisons and never had a vehicle search, or really seen provisions for a vehicle search, unless you are actually entering gates to intake/ discharge/ a Sally port / whatever. For those they will probably pop your hood, trunk, and look under the car with a mirror. Doesn't matter if you're in a marked LEO vehicle or not, that's standard, and I cant imagine a non-employee or contractor vehicle being allowed in those locations anyway.

The vast majority of prisons you just drive up and park at. Prisons get a lot of visitors and there is a lot of staff coming and going besides. Searching cars in parking lots, unless it is super shady and suspicious, isn't something they would have time for.

Now some super max facilities and fed camps might be a bit different, but a garden variety state facility? Most are pretty similar state to state.
Don't bank on it.

If a facility has dogs and OT is authorized for the task they will search both visitor's and staff's vehicles if they get a hit. I've search many a vehicle myself after the dogs got a hit. Institutions that don't have K9 will pay the OT for the ones that do to come and search as well as using the State Police.

The US Customs/Border Patrol training center took their dogs to the last prison I worked at a couple times a month and did searches.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:11:17 AM EDT
Leave at home. You'll be fine.  Or take it if you don't mind being searched, found out, have it taken, car impounded and booked many hours later.  You'll see your brother more often than you'd like or he'll be visiting you.

Like others have stated most prisons are in BFE there is no across the street.

I havent had my pistol for 3 weeks. I flew into NY and i wouldnt be caught with anything up there short of a bow and arrow.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:12:52 AM EDT
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I worked at a road camp in the 70s and on our days off we could go there and deer/small game/bird hunt if we wanted. You just had to let the shift that was working know you were there.

LOL....I saw a flock of turkey in the field next to the camp and the watch commander grabbed a 870 from the gun locker and went after them......We had wild turkey for supper.

Sigh, different times....
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DOCs have changed a lot in recent times.  In VA we use to have hunt clubs hint prison lands.  Now even DOC staff will be prosecuted for nonissued/unauthorized carry.
I worked at a road camp in the 70s and on our days off we could go there and deer/small game/bird hunt if we wanted. You just had to let the shift that was working know you were there.

LOL....I saw a flock of turkey in the field next to the camp and the watch commander grabbed a 870 from the gun locker and went after them......We had wild turkey for supper.

Sigh, different times....

Is it true that drugs are routinely smuggled into prisons or is that mostly myth?
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:13:54 AM EDT
I'm going to visit my Brother for the first time in state prison tomorrow. It's a 45 minute drive from where I live. I always take a small first responder type bag everywhere I go that has a little  bit of everything including a small pistol and extra mag. I'm going to leave my CCW at home, but hate being that far from home without my bag.

I'm not sure about the law regarding bringing a firearm to the prison, even if it is locked in my trunk. I was reading online that they walk dogs around the parking lot looking for drugs and explosives.

Should I leave all firearms at home?
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Dont forget to follow the dress code.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:16:19 AM EDT
You should be fine OP. But you can't have them concealed, so put it on your gun rack or maybe place it on your dash.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:22:00 AM EDT
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Is it true that drugs are routinely smuggled into prisons or is that mostly myth?
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It's a very common problem. In fact my wife had a patient not long ago who have a broken jaw because he was high on K2 and thought he could fly so he took a nose dive off his top bunk and face planted into the hard floor. She had to send him to an outside hospital because he screwed up a lot more than his jaw.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:26:47 AM EDT
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Is it true that drugs are routinely smuggled into prisons or is that mostly myth?
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It depends on the facility and how tight it's run but if I had to venture a guess it's female staff that do most of that type of thing.

Politics and budget bears on things too. The last major institution I worked at had K-9s and they were damn good.....Along comes a new director (Dem political appointee) and the first thing that went was the K9 program under the guise of budget cuts. Of course you lost the officers too because they took their skills elsewhere.

What it boils down to is when a level of security is taken away it makes the facility that much more vulnerable to contraband.

I'll say this, the amount of drugs in the prisons is a whole lot less when i retired than it was in the 70s - 80s, at least in the facilities I worked at..
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:31:05 AM EDT
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Tis cannot be a serious question!

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My daughter acts the same way if she doesn't have her blanket
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:32:19 AM EDT
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Find a gun shop or pawn shop nearby and have them keep your carry piece while you visit your brother.
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No way I'm taking a pistol from a guy who walks in off the street saying , "Hold my pistol for an hour I'll be back after visiting my brother in prison."
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:34:24 AM EDT
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My daughter acts the same way if she doesn't have her blanket
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One in every crowd isn't there..
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:37:48 AM EDT
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You should be fine OP. But you can't have them concealed, so put it on your gun rack or maybe place it on your dash.
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Remember one time I was OIC and we had a guy and gal run up to the gate 5 minutes after lockdown.  They were like please, please, please he was hunting this morning and we just left late and then they put their hands in their pockets and he pulled out a couple shotgun shells.  I kept a straight face as I as kindly as I could told them there was no way I was going to let them in, especially after he pulled ammunition out of his pockets.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:48:30 AM EDT
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Big time against the law on DOC property. Leave it at home.
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Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:50:02 AM EDT
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You should be fine OP. But you can't have them concealed, so put it on your gun rack or maybe place it on your dash.
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Remember one time I was OIC and we had a guy and gal run up to the gate 5 minutes after lockdown.  They were like please, please, please he was hunting this morning and we just left late and then they put their hands in their pockets and he pulled out a couple shotgun shells.  I kept a straight face as I as kindly as I could told them there was no way I was going to let them in, especially after he pulled ammunition out of his pockets.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:54:52 AM EDT
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It's a very common problem. In fact my wife had a patient not long ago who have a broken jaw because he was high on K2 and thought he could fly so he took a nose dive off his top bunk and face planted into the hard floor. She had to send him to an outside hospital because he screwed up a lot more than his jaw.
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Is it true that drugs are routinely smuggled into prisons or is that mostly myth?
It's a very common problem. In fact my wife had a patient not long ago who have a broken jaw because he was high on K2 and thought he could fly so he took a nose dive off his top bunk and face planted into the hard floor. She had to send him to an outside hospital because he screwed up a lot more than his jaw.


Is it true that drugs are routinely smuggled into prisons or is that mostly myth?
It depends on the facility and how tight it's run but if I had to venture a guess it's female staff that do most of that type of thing.

Politics and budget bears on things too. The last major institution I worked at had K-9s and they were damn good.....Along comes a new director (Dem political appointee) and the first thing that went was the K9 program under the guise of budget cuts. Of course you lost the officers too because they took their skills elsewhere.

What it boils down to is when a level of security is taken away it makes the facility that much more vulnerable to contraband.

I'll say this, the amount of drugs in the prisons is a whole lot less when i retired than it was in the 70s - 80s, at least in the facilities I worked at..  
Thanks guys!  It’s surprising that people still smuggle given the possible consequences, but if they know there aren’t any dogs then I could see why they would be tempted.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:58:52 AM EDT
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I’ll just say that I’ve been visiting correctional facilities including supermax institutions as a contractor for years and have never once had my vehicle searched and have never once seen them searching vehicles. Aside from tool inventory on arrival and departure I’ve never been searched either for that matter. I could have carried into the prison on hundreds of occasions and nobody would have known. Maybe it’s different for people visiting inmates but I’ve always known security to be surprisingly lax. I get more scrutiny going into schools and production plants.

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It's not like that in NJ.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 8:59:22 AM EDT
Leave it at home. At our facility, there is always a checkpoint on visiting days, and they will tell you to GTFOuta there with that gun. They will search the shit out of your car.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 9:02:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 9:11:08 AM EDT
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I chose option C - ask GD. Guess what? I had my answer in minutes.

Did you have something better to do than offering your recommendation online?
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He also could have made a simple phone call. "Hey, can I bring my gun to the prison if I leave it in my car?"
I chose option C - ask GD. Guess what? I had my answer in minutes.

Did you have something better to do than offering your recommendation online?
OP asked a gun related question on a gun board and this is bad because why?????

Look, it can’t be all politics and trannies in GD.  We will occasionally get a gun question.  It’s no big deal
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 9:12:12 AM EDT
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3.3 out of 5 stars? That’s pretty good in the grand scheme of things.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 9:23:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 9:25:06 AM EDT
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Remember one time I was OIC and we had a guy and gal run up to the gate 5 minutes after lockdown.  They were like please, please, please he was hunting this morning and we just left late and then they put their hands in their pockets and he pulled out a couple shotgun shells.  I kept a straight face as I as kindly as I could told them there was no way I was going to let them in, especially after he pulled ammunition out of his pockets.
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You think he woulda learned after the firs time.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 9:26:38 AM EDT
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If you are truly worried Park a mile away and Uber to the jail. Lock it in glovebox or mini lockbox
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What if:  The Uber driver has nefarious designs?

Best bet is to saw off one leg, replace with prosthetic that can be used as a club.  Really, one can't be too careful.

ETA:  Never underestimate the capacity for holding things of your prison wallet, remember, concealed means concealed.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 10:34:15 AM EDT
If you have to ask, common sense does not run in your family.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 12:30:31 PM EDT
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Tis cannot be a serious question!

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This is ARFCOM GD.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 12:31:19 PM EDT
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I remember that thread when he got arrested. They had a picture of him
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Link Posted: 6/9/2019 12:40:48 PM EDT
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This is ARFCOM GD.
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Tis cannot be a serious question!

This is ARFCOM GD.
Yes, Yes it is, which why I asked if he was actually serious...It is ARFCOM GD!
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:24:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:29:22 PM EDT
Back home. No car search and no cavity search

There was a ID check, a walk through metal detector and then a pat down.

Brother has had his entire head tattooed with a skull and full sleeves on both arms with everything from skulls to Nazi symbols
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:38:04 PM EDT
Call the prison and speak with a supervisor
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:39:13 PM EDT
Bring him a cake obviously next time.

Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:42:05 PM EDT
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It is a totally serious question. I went to visit a friend once and didn't want to be unarmed so I filed down the front sight and had another "friend" use a rubber mallet to pound it into my ass. It took about 2 hours but it wasnt too uncomfortable.

S&W used my experience in an ad that ran for 3 months. "When you need to be armed all the time we make the most comfortable gun to fit in your ass".....

Shield PerformanceCenter 1.0
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Coming soon from Brownells!
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:49:26 PM EDT
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Back home. No car search and no cavity search

There was a ID check, a walk through metal detector and then a pat down.

Brother has had his entire head tattooed with a skull and full sleeves on both arms with everything from skulls to Nazi symbols
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Your brother likely now has Hepatitis C. About 1/3 of inmates are affected from less than sanitary tattoo methods.
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:50:03 PM EDT
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Thanks guys!  It's surprising that people still smuggle given the possible consequences, but if they know there aren't any dogs then I could see why they would be tempted.
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Click on the Visitor Contraband Interdiction links
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:55:08 PM EDT
Never had a problem myself with a handgun in de glovebox but then again, i never considered i was doing wrong

Smith State Prison in S. Georgia
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 1:59:42 PM EDT
@tominjax , did you eat lunch at the prison, and if so, what did you and your brother eat?
Link Posted: 6/9/2019 2:03:34 PM EDT
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@tominjax , did you eat lunch at the prison, and if so, what did you and your brother eat?
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No. I bought him a frozen chicken sandwich from the commissary and he microwaved it. Said it was much better than their food.
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