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Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:01:37 PM EDT
Some guy wrote a bunch of nonsense and you are putting stake in it.  It is incredibly silly to equate the two seeing as how one essentially predates the other by hundreds of years of development and political evolution. If Levay borrowed anything from it, that hardly merits a serious discussion.

yes, libertarianism thought predates both Rand & Levey.  Unfortunately the OP didn't distinguish b/t Levey's "Satanism" and old school satanism, neither of which by the way I have any involvement or interest in, but yes Levey's satanism borrowed heavily from some libertarian lines of thinking.  But lets not soil the philosophy of libertarianism by pointing that out.
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:02:48 PM EDT
Lavey was a retard appropriating good ideas and writings for his retarded Church of Satan.

His daughter however was hot as hell, but has since turned into a buddhist hippy.

Nietzsche + Ragnar Redbeard = freedom

Christianity = communism = slavery

It is only a matter of time before you cross that line.
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:03:29 PM EDT
That depends..................can you tame lions or play a circus calliope?


Back in the '80s all the records I listened to had backward messages in them and were supposed to turn me into a baby-sacrificing devil-worshipping servant of evil.

When do I get my refund?

Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:05:36 PM EDT
Satan is George Soros which is Barry's boss - that makes Barry a demon ....

This wouldn't surprise me, in the least.
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:11:59 PM EDT
Lavey was a retard appropriating good ideas and writings for his retarded Church of Satan.

His daughter however was hot as hell, but has since turned into a buddhist hippy.

Nietzsche + Ragnar Redbeard = freedom

Christianity = communism = slavery

It is only a matter of time before you cross that line.

Good post
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:19:38 PM EDT
do you think that Satanism was just objectivism in a new wrapper for those who crave ritual?

no, but there are some common ideas e.g. rational self interest between the two.

both dipshits IMO.

ETA: any libertarian who isn't just a bandwagon rider knows that ayn rand was just a shitty novelist.
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:28:15 PM EDT

I don't call people trolls often and when others do, it usually pisses me off.  But for you, I'll make a special case.
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 4:29:34 PM EDT
do you think that Satanism was just objectivism in a new wrapper for those who crave ritual?

no, but there are some common ideas e.g. rational self interest between the two.

both dipshits IMO.

ETA: any libertarian who isn't just a bandwagon rider knows that ayn rand was just a shitty novelist.

yeah, and she was too stupid to realize that big gov & big corp are best friends.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 6:37:38 AM EDT
I've read a lot of Rand, but not any Lavey.  However, I have read some articles pointing out similarities between Libertarianism and Satanism.  I don't know much about Satanism, but the comparisons seem valid (assuming what I know about Satanism is accurate).

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 6:44:00 AM EDT
Looks like op terrified some self described libretarians.

First of all, levey type santanism is not the same thing as occultsatanism, whitch craft etc that goes back to medieval times or whatever.  There is a satanist church that actually worships satan literally and all sorts of weord shit.    levey didnt actually believe in jesus or satan or the supernatural gennerally.  Furthermore his basic philosophy, which is all it is with ritual overlayment, [red]is similar in many respects to basic libretarian philosophy.  Sorry, tis the truth.[\red]

As towhy he called his philosophy satanism.  Isuppose to be sensational, to bring attention to his movement.  Also, to point out that his philosophy is generally cpunter-cultural to our western judeo-christian ethic.   The similarities to libretarianism come from his notion that christian morality has largely been a tool of the ruling class to keep us in lin for example telling us that god wills it that vengenance is immoral unless it is executed by the state or that we should get married and have lots of kids that gov can useas collateral to accumulate more debt.

Thank you.

@dalesimpson I'm waiting

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're making it difficult.

Plus, I'm not really into wrestling with pigs, and since you are on my ignore list we wouldn't be able to engage in a pissing contest.

I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about or what @dale... means or what you like or dont like about my post.

the first line of my post is not implicating that libertariansim = satanism, but that  a lot of libertarians don't know what Levey actually taught, which is not the occult.

You said the idea of Laveyan Satanism are similar to basic libertarian ideas.  This is the whole purpose of the thread, not to engage in a pissing match
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 6:45:23 AM EDT
Lavey was a retard appropriating good ideas and writings for his retarded Church of Satan.

His daughter however was hot as hell, but has since turned into a buddhist hippy.

Nietzsche + Ragnar Redbeard = freedom

Christianity = communism = slavery

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 6:45:47 AM EDT
do you think that Satanism was just objectivism in a new wrapper for those who crave ritual?

no, but there are some common ideas e.g. rational self interest between the two.

both dipshits IMO.

ETA: any libertarian who isn't just a bandwagon rider knows that ayn rand was just a shitty novelist.

yeah, and she was too stupid to realize that big gov & big corp are best friends.

And supposedly collected social security.  Im just trying to point out the solid individualism in both writings and how theyre similar, especially because of how popular Ayn Rand is now.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 6:46:41 AM EDT
I've read a lot of Rand, but not any Lavey.  However, I have read some articles pointing out similarities between Libertarianism and Satanism.  I don't know much about Satanism, but the comparisons seem valid (assuming what I know about Satanism is accurate).

I havent actually read any Rand, only read ABOUT Rand, but have read lave
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 7:23:11 AM EDT
You post some weird shit, dude.

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 7:27:04 AM EDT
I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 7:29:14 AM EDT
You post some weird shit, dude.


I bet the 13er doesn't even own a gun - just one more liberal "barry-cyber-warrior" troll....
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 7:30:13 AM EDT
I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...

Jesus was Libertarian-ish.  Free will, not starting fights, and helping people......Hmmmmmm...  except when he got all marxist and kicked the money lenders out.  He even treated Mary M pretty decent compared to what we do to sex workers today
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 8:54:57 AM EDT
I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...

Jesus was Libertarian-ish.  Free will, not starting fights, and helping people......Hmmmmmm...  except when he got all marxist and kicked the money lenders out.  He even treated Mary M pretty decent compared to what we do to sex workers today

Yea Libertarianism has nothing to do with religion.  No one is saying you cant be religious
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:13:40 AM EDT
Smart of you to make another account a month or two prior to the drama queen "I'm leaving"

Very... what's the word?  Tactical
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:28:56 AM EDT
Smart of you to make another account a month or two prior to the drama queen "I'm leaving"

Very... what's the word?  Tactical

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:35:55 AM EDT
Smart of you to make another account a month or two prior to the drama queen "I'm leaving"

Very... what's the word?  Tactical

Do you mean me?  I have never been here before.  lol
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:40:00 AM EDT
Satan? No, I don't believe in that.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:42:06 AM EDT
Smart of you to make another account a month or two prior to the drama queen "I'm leaving"

Very... what's the word?  Tactical

Do you mean me?  I have never been here before.  lol

Can we do some "cyber waterboarding" with the liberal 13'er to discover who he works for?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:44:05 AM EDT


You post some weird shit, dude.


Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:50:02 AM EDT




I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...

Jesus was Libertarian-ish.  Free will, not starting fights, and helping people......Hmmmmmm...  except when he got all marxist and kicked the money lenders out.  He even treated Mary M pretty decent compared to what we do to sex workers today

Quibble:  Jesus' casting out the money lenders and animal merchants from the interior courts of the temple was not an anti-capitalist act per se.  He did it because they were doing business right in the middle of the temple, something which was disrespectful and disruptive to the place.  It's as if someone set up a souvenir shop in the middle of St. Peter's basilica and loudly cried out "Bobblehead dolls! Get yer Francis bobblehead dolls!".

He wouldn't have cared if they had set up shop outside the temple walls.
So in a way, He was more like a code enforcement officer....  

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 2:35:32 PM EDT
Wow.. some of you people need to come out from your church's basement for a while.

Satanism has nothing to do with satan, jesus, or any of that stuff.    He wasn't talking about devil worship.  

Never heard of Anton LeVay?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 2:52:45 PM EDT
I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...

Jesus was Libertarian-ish.  Free will, not starting fights, and helping people......Hmmmmmm...  except when he got all marxist and kicked the money lenders out.  He even treated Mary M pretty decent compared to what we do to sex workers today

THe money changers were running a scam.  per jew law, you had to go make a sacrafice.  If you were poor, a bird, rich a lamb.  Anway, most people couln't take said critter on a long pilgramige, if they didn't live in Jerusalem.  THe priests would only accept anaimals sold by vendors who gave said priests kickbacks.  Furthermore, the vendors would only sell the animal for local coinage.  THe money changers set up next to the animal vendors and would charge poor out of towners exorbinant exchange rates, I recall someting like 10 ounces of assorted silver coinage to buy one ounce of temple approved coinage.  There was this whoel corrups disgusting scam being perpetrated by the priests, animal vendors and money changes against people from out of town trying to fullfill their obligations.  I would not call Jesus' anger Marxist like. .
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 2:57:59 PM EDT
Looks like op terrified some self described libretarians.

First of all, levey type santanism is not the same thing as occultsatanism, whitch craft etc that goes back to medieval times or whatever.  There is a satanist church that actually worships satan literally and all sorts of weord shit.    levey didnt actually believe in jesus or satan or the supernatural gennerally.  Furthermore his basic philosophy, which is all it is with ritual overlayment, [red]is similar in many respects to basic libretarian philosophy.  Sorry, tis the truth.[\red]

As towhy he called his philosophy satanism.  Isuppose to be sensational, to bring attention to his movement.  Also, to point out that his philosophy is generally cpunter-cultural to our western judeo-christian ethic.   The similarities to libretarianism come from his notion that christian morality has largely been a tool of the ruling class to keep us in lin for example telling us that god wills it that vengenance is immoral unless it is executed by the state or that we should get married and have lots of kids that gov can useas collateral to accumulate more debt.

Thank you.

@dalesimpson I'm waiting

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're making it difficult.

Plus, I'm not really into wrestling with pigs, and since you are on my ignore list we wouldn't be able to engage in a pissing contest.

I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about or what @dale... means or what you like or dont like about my post.

the first line of my post is not implicating that libertariansim = satanism, but that  a lot of libertarians don't know what Levey actually taught, which is not the occult.

You said the idea of Laveyan Satanism are similar to basic libertarian ideas.  This is the whole purpose of the thread, not to engage in a pissing match

yeah, i suspect OP was trolling in the way he didn't point out that Levay Satanism is not a form of Satanic Occultism.  I just happend to know that from reading a few articles about The Church "of Satan" years ago.  It was funny to see so many christian libertarian who didn't know that get uncomfortable at the proposition.  But to be fair, there were plenty of christian libertarians long before either Levey or Rand.  

I am basically a christian libertarian, or maybe christian anarchist, but I still think the OT God was a Dick.  I'm content to follow christ, more or less, even if he was just "lunatic"
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 3:04:02 PM EDT

I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...

Jesus was Libertarian-ish.  Free will, not starting fights, and helping people......Hmmmmmm...  except when he got all marxist and kicked the money lenders out.  He even treated Mary M pretty decent compared to what we do to sex workers today

Quibble:  Jesus' casting out the money lenders and animal merchants from the interior courts of the temple was not an anti-capitalist act per se.  He did it because they were doing business right in the middle of the temple, something which was disrespectful and disruptive to the place.  It's as if someone set up a souvenir shop in the middle of St. Peter's basilica and loudly cried out "Bobblehead dolls! Get yer Francis bobblehead dolls!".

He wouldn't have cared if they had set up shop outside the temple walls.

So in a way, He was more like a code enforcement officer....  

Well if they were trespassing, that's cool.  Folks sure took a disliking to usury on his account though.  
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 3:05:45 PM EDT
I'm a libertarian and a Christian...

So I guess I'm a walking contradiction?

So am I...

Jesus was Libertarian-ish.  Free will, not starting fights, and helping people......Hmmmmmm...  except when he got all marxist and kicked the money lenders out.  He even treated Mary M pretty decent compared to what we do to sex workers today

THe money changers were running a scam.  per jew law, you had to go make a sacrafice.  If you were poor, a bird, rich a lamb.  Anway, most people couln't take said critter on a long pilgramige, if they didn't live in Jerusalem.  THe priests would only accept anaimals sold by vendors who gave said priests kickbacks.  Furthermore, the vendors would only sell the animal for local coinage.  THe money changers set up next to the animal vendors and would charge poor out of towners exorbinant exchange rates, I recall someting like 10 ounces of assorted silver coinage to buy one ounce of temple approved coinage.  There was this whoel corrups disgusting scam being perpetrated by the priests, animal vendors and money changes against people from out of town trying to fullfill their obligations.  I would not call Jesus' anger Marxist like. .

That sounds like the priests were more impressive sinners.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:56:02 PM EDT
Most dont have a clue as to how you're differentiating between Lavey's version of "selfish" Satanism and true occultism/Devil worship..
Jayne Mansfiled and Sammy Davis JR say hello LOL!

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 12:00:37 AM EDT
A common misconception, as is present in this thread, is that Satanists worship Satan.

Satanists worship themselves.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 12:11:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 12:17:13 AM EDT
Thanks for the links OP, but like others said, this was a really bad place to do it. Stick around though, I like your style.

I've been struggling with my Christian upbringing lately. For reasons I'd rather not talk about right now. Your origional post references some issues I've been contemplating in my spare time.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:45:24 AM EDT
Thanks for the links OP, but like others said, this was a really bad place to do it. Stick around though, I like your style.

I've been struggling with my Christian upbringing lately. For reasons I'd rather not talk about right now. Your origional post references some issues I've been contemplating in my spare time.

Stay Strong, you have a choice.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:47:03 AM EDT
Most dont have a clue as to how you're differentiating between Lavey's version of "selfish" Satanism and true occultism/Devil worship..
Jayne Mansfiled and Sammy Davis JR say hello LOL!

Your Right.  I thought by mentioning Anton Lavey people would get it/look it up.

Occultism is retarded, its the same thing as any other religion, fiction.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:52:52 AM EDT
It is fiction but then again Laveys people put a "curse" on Mansifields manager Brody and look what happened...

I wonder about that...
I mean I'm not superstitious but I really do wonder about that.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 5:02:18 AM EDT
Wow.. some of you people need to come out from your church's basement for a while.

Satanism has nothing to do with satan, jesus, or any of that stuff.    He wasn't talking about devil worship.  

Never heard of Anton LeVay?

Slow your roll with that

I wouldn't know anything about him if I hadn't read all of his books when I was a teenager.

He's not nearly as well known as you think he is.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 5:20:51 AM EDT
It is fiction but then again Laveys people put a "curse" on Mansifields manager Brody and look what happened...
I wonder about that...
I mean I'm not superstitious but I really do wonder about that.

I dont think Lavey believed in magic or curses, if anything he was pissed at being mocked, and used his position to make himself seem more powerful than he was, to scare a the guy who was mocking him
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 5:24:47 AM EDT
Wow.. some of you people need to come out from your church's basement for a while.

Satanism has nothing to do with satan, jesus, or any of that stuff.    He wasn't talking about devil worship.  

Never heard of Anton LeVay?

Another 13'er...
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 6:19:09 AM EDT
What I particularly love is the fact that labeling Libertarians as Satanists will appeal to both sides of the aisle in their quest to keep the masses content and firmly shackled to their respective sets of party dogma.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 6:31:08 AM EDT
When this thread is inevitably locked, please oh PLEASE let system message say "Thread failed d20 saving throw"
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 6:41:14 AM EDT
When this thread is inevitably locked, please oh PLEASE let system message say "Thread failed d20 saving throw"

I wish it was locked already.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 6:41:59 AM EDT
Here is where you went off the tracks OP:

Libertarianism is a theory of GOVERNMENT.  It is NOT a theory of personal morality or personal action.

Being a libertarian is wholly consistent with being a Christian, and possibly a Lavey Satanist - assuming

Lavey would not promote things like the strong subjugating the weak (which is not clear in my limited understanding).
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 6:42:57 AM EDT
When this thread is inevitably locked, please oh PLEASE let system message say "Thread failed d20 saving throw"

I wish it was locked already.

Satan can't be bargained with.

He can't be reasoned with.

He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 7:37:31 AM EDT
Wow.. some of you people need to come out from your church's basement for a while.

Satanism has nothing to do with satan, jesus, or any of that stuff.    He wasn't talking about devil worship.  

Never heard of Anton LeVay?

I'll just leave this here.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 7:44:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 7:50:46 AM EDT
When this thread is inevitably locked, please oh PLEASE let system message say "Thread failed d20 saving throw"

I wish it was locked already.

Satan can't be bargained with.

He can't be reasoned with.

He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Sounds like God, only God won't stop once you're dead.  
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 9:18:24 AM EDT
Wow.. some of you people need to come out from your church's basement for a while.

Satanism has nothing to do with satan, jesus, or any of that stuff.    He wasn't talking about devil worship.  

Never heard of Anton LeVay?

I'll just leave this here.

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 9:30:28 AM EDT
When this thread is inevitably locked, please oh PLEASE let system message say "Thread failed d20 saving throw"

I wish it was locked already.

Satan can't be bargained with.

He can't be reasoned with.

He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Almost sounds like Barry
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