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Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:17:58 AM EDT
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Well, he went to the insane asylum and the cops tracked down who it was that left the dead body in the road.  I was on scene before the ambulance, but we didn't know who the perp was until after dogs ran back to his house and he admitted he did it and originally planned to kill everyone in the neighborhood.

Vigilantism has it's issues, I prefer a system that uses a jury and preponderance of the evidence.
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I agree with you, but if it had been my neighbor it would have been my wife on the phone while I went after him to put a stop to it as quickly and firmly as possible.  Then the police would get to write the report.  Yes, I know, MYOB, you might get hurt or killed, etc.  Doesn't matter.  If I leave someone else to be murdered when I could have prevented it I couldn't live with myself.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:18:29 AM EDT
Many years ago for our neighbor's domestic violence.

It was either call the police or leave a naked chick and her BF unconscious in our front yard. I don't know if they were "needed", but they were very convenient.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:19:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:20:25 AM EDT
I was picnicking in a metro park with my extended family when we we surrounded and threatened with attack from a very large, very hostile group of people. The only thing that prevented me from being forced to shoot some of them was my call to the police for help. Otherwise it would have escalated, and people would have died.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:21:50 AM EDT
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Course decades later Syracuse PD held me at the airport for awhile and threatened to arrest me when I told a police woman it was none of her business why I was flying with an AR15, but hey they did get me my radio back
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Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:26:35 AM EDT
I've never "needed" them in the sense of "holy fuck I need the cops here like right the heck now lights and sirens and bears oh shit."

I have needed them in the sense of livestock out of pen, various paperwork and report type functions.  Witness to vehicle accident.  Stuff like that.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:35:53 AM EDT
Well as much as I would love to take the law into my own hands... I do love my freedom more than revenge so a few times in my life I have had to get the police involved.
Home burglaries for starters.
Another time a guy in a park was beating the shit out of his wife or girl friend.
Shitty neighbors who are drunk and can't speak a lick of English for playing that goddamn jangly shit they call music at 3:30 a.m. on a work night.
Just to name a few I can remember right off hand.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:37:10 AM EDT
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Do you need the police?  Yes, every day.

The fact that I don't need to call them means that they are doing their job in keeping my area and community safe.

Just because you don't need them on a personal level doesn't mean that behind the scenes you very much need them around.
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What a nice post. Never thought about it this way.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:39:17 AM EDT
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had my truck broken into once. had a truck stolen once. had someone attempt to break into my house twice. they got in the third time.

every single time:
call cops, they show, look around ask what is missing, write stuff down, tell me they wont find anything. never take prints, never take pictures,

they did find the truck since it was left in an intersection a few miles away, and they actually caught the robbery guy since him and his girl were super dumb.
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In my agency patrol guys don't take prints. Everyone thinks all police take prints because they watch tv cop shows. Our investigators who do take prints sometimes say that people complain about prints being taken. It's messy, and people assume that prints are recoverable in far more situations than they can be from watching too much t.v.. No, we can't digitally unfold a partial print and instantly compare it to a print database. That's t.v.and this is real life
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:40:11 AM EDT
Not a single time


Accident reports. Really helps with insurance claims
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 12:09:29 PM EDT
Good question!  No.  53 years and I've never needed the cops.  I've witnessed and reported crimes perpetrated against others a couple times.  I've been in one accident where an officer showed up.  His report was helpful, but I probably would have been fine without it.  That said, IMO it is better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 12:29:17 PM EDT
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"Needed"? No.

If anything police get in the way of problems being dealt with.

Not bashing LEO in any way, just a fact that some people I know still breath only because the police would get uppity if that changes.
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Ha, agreed. The fact that they exist means you can't take care of a problem yourself.

But I sure am glad to have them drive through the neighborhood when I am at work. The presence is of value whether I personally need them or not.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 1:21:14 PM EDT
Needed? Not really.

But there have been two times I was glad they were there.

The first time was when I was 16 or so. I was home alone when a little old lady drove into the ditch in front of my house. She and her car were fine, just shaken up and totally lost. A cop drove by and took care of things from there. I had no idea how to handle such a situation.

The second time I was driving on a freeway and some jackass cut across four lanes of traffic without indicating. Almost cut off the front of my car and a few other people's cars. There was a cop right behind me, you can probably guess what happened next.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 1:37:09 PM EDT
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"Needed"? No.

If anything police get in the way of problems being dealt with.

Not bashing LEO in any way, just a fact that some people I know still breath only because the police would get uppity if that changes.
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This ^^^...Just ask yourself how much BS would NOT be happening if the victim didn't have more to fear from LE & "the system" than from the criminal.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 1:51:30 PM EDT
I understand LE benefit society as a whole, and I receive some of that benefit because I'm a part of society. 

I've only directly required their assistance a few times in life only because there was no legal option to handle the issue without them. 
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 2:49:59 PM EDT
A long time ago I had a litter of Rotweiller puppies stolen by some low life slugs who lived behind the house I was in.  They roped the mother to a tree and made off with the pups.

Since these were champion blood line dogs I called the police.  When he arrived I was at the wooden fence looking though the slats at who I was pretty sure did it, I had a Colt trooper on my side.

The officer listened to me, and then went to the home I was watching.  About 20 minutes later we received 3 out of the 4 pups in the litter.

Had I gone, there could have been some blood shed and I didn't feel good about trying to clear the house by myself.

I made the right call.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:28:39 PM EDT
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So...you're a LEO?

...Isn't this thread a bit...um...hypocritical?  Sort of like:

"I never once called a plumber to fix anything in my house.  I always worked out the problem to my satisfaction for myself to a conclusion that suited me."

"Never once have I thought 'I need someone else to come and straighten out my pipes for me'."

As a plumber...:
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Kinda sorta. I just see things from my perspective dealing with people that generally cause their own problems. The people that I never have to deal with, never need the police.

They don't hang around other shitbags.

They work hard and earn enough money to live in better places.

They associate with people who aren't shitbags (yes, I said that twice because it's pretty important)

They have enough money to insure their stuff that usually gets stolen by shitbags and thus are made whole without too much inconvenience.

They protect their property with good security and don't generally have too many issues with that anyway.

They pay their bills and are on good terms with the merchants and services they use.

They work out disputs with other people in a cordial and intelligent manner themselves.

So I guess I was just wishing more people were like that, and just wondering if there were more like that here.
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:38:25 PM EDT
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"Needed"? No.

If anything police get in the way of problems being dealt with.

Not bashing LEO in any way, just a fact that some people I know still breath only because the police would get uppity if that changes.
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Big +1 to all the above. 
Link Posted: 9/20/2017 11:49:25 PM EDT
So I was just wondering how many ARFCOMMER's have ever "needed" someone else to come and solve their problems for them?
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I got called a couple of times to solve "non-police emergency" situations. Literally, a middle school boy did not listen to her mom to get into the minivan, so she called the police. 
Two adult women refused to move their cars in a private property apartment parking lot to get to one parking spot which they arrived to at the same time but from different directions. I told the younger woman to back it up and let the older woman take it. Later that day, the younger woman called my supervisor to complain about me, and so I got a verbal warning from my sergeant. 
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:00:11 AM EDT
Only ever needed them for a car accident a few years back.
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:00:59 AM EDT
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Do you need the police?  Yes, every day.

The fact that I don't need to call them means that they are doing their job in keeping my area and community safe.

Just because you don't need them on a personal level doesn't mean that behind the scenes you very much need them around.
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And someone has to eat the donuts...
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:07:53 AM EDT
bought my house in 2010.  It got egged 3 times in 4 weeks the first year i was there.  I called the cops the second time and filled out a report.  Never caught the bastrds!  never had a problem since
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:18:24 AM EDT
I spent 10 years working at a dive bar. Yes, I have needed the cops.
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:19:46 AM EDT
Yes.  I "needed" the police on many occasions, because of insurance.
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:20:18 AM EDT
I have been on this planet 52 years, as an adult on my own for ~34 years. I have lived in poor neighborhoods and middle class neighborhoods. I have worked some pretty rough trades that typically employ felons and Ne'er-do-well's.

I have had things stolen from me, been in some scuffles, been "cheated" in business and have had lots of other "annoying" things happen in my life.

But I have always worked out the problem to my satisfaction for myself to a conclusion that suited me.

Never once have I thought "I need someone else to come and straighten out my mess for me".

As a LEO 98% of the calls I go to are problems people have either created for themselves and are now in over their simple heads, or they are problems for which I will never be able to "fix" for them. Sure I write their problems down in a report, it gets filed in the "warehouse of statistics" and then life goes on.

Sure, once in a great while a piece of stolen property is returned, or a shit head gets arrested. But typically that stolen property is either damaged beyond usefulness, insurance has already paid out for it and the property is seized, and the shit head is back out of jail or prison to commit more shitbaggery.

So I was just wondering how many ARFCOMMER's have ever "needed" someone else to come and solve their problems for them?
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First time two meth heads were trying to break into a apartment I was renting. My dumbass had just been to the range, and shot all of my rifle ammo. The only ammo I had left was 12 gauge birdshot, and the only shotgun I had was a single shot. Definite pucker factor.
Second time some teenage boys were exploring the woods next their neighborhood. Caught them on my game cam. Had the school resource officer explain to them why wandering around someone else's woods in deer season is not a bright idea.
Found a car parked on our farm at night. Sometimes people break down, and pull of the road into our driveway, no big deal. But nobody is in the car, and they left their cell phone. People who break down, do not leave the vehicle, and leave their cell phone. Calves were starting to be born, and I am not wandering around in the pasture looking for somebody with fresh calves on the ground. That is the deputies job. Called 911, deputy was there in 10 minutes, kid came out of the field as soon as the blue lights rolled up. Said he and his girlfriend were looking at the stars. I told him there had been a solid cloud deck at about 2k feet since about 2 pm, and that the only stars he was looking at were the ones in his girlfriend's eyes. Deputy could not hold it together. Found a pair of panties the next morning.
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:37:24 AM EDT
No, I have called for others and society in general though.
If I dealt with it myself the cops would come for me 

We cannot all be everything everywhere all the time, thats why we have various occupations like police, fireman, ems, doctor, lawyer, garmer, mechanic, builder, engineer, teacher, etc..

we arent homesteading in the great unpopulated expanse anymore
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:47:42 AM EDT
Plenty of times.  Usually to help me see how dangerous I was being travelling 74 in a 55.

There's no doubt they've saved my life and countless others.
Link Posted: 9/21/2017 12:52:09 AM EDT
Almost 29, nope, never called the police for anything. Aside from a couple incidents my interactions with LEOs have been pretty positive. Few months ago it was 90º+ outside, I was helping my FIL move. Had a bit of trouble with the fan wiring in my truck so I was stopped on the side of the highway messing with it, nice sheriff pulled up and made sure I was okay, I told him I had it under control and thanked him for checking, he gave my kid a sticker and was on his way.
Link Posted: 9/22/2017 7:03:23 PM EDT
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bought my house in 2010.  It got egged 3 times in 4 weeks the first year i was there.  I called the cops the second time and filled out a report.  Never caught the bastrds!  never had a problem since
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thats cuz the cops kid did it.
Link Posted: 9/22/2017 7:23:19 PM EDT
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This ^^^...Just ask yourself how much BS would NOT be happening if the victim didn't have more to fear from LE & "the system" than from the criminal.
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"Needed"? No.

If anything police get in the way of problems being dealt with.

Not bashing LEO in any way, just a fact that some people I know still breath only because the police would get uppity if that changes.
This ^^^...Just ask yourself how much BS would NOT be happening if the victim didn't have more to fear from LE & "the system" than from the criminal.
The world started off like that. Why do you imagine we switched from individual revenge and vendetta to a codified standard of behaviors enforced by the state?
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 1:35:21 AM EDT
A few times, once when the guy that assaulted the 84 tear old woman across the street was getting away.  Once when the going away party for the kid joining the Air Force went sideways when a drunk former boyfriend  and some of his buddies, of the little girl up the street dropped in and started swinging a bottle.  I had the buddies up by a wall explaining that I believed that they were sober and didn't do anything, but no they weren't leaving quite yet.  I think the 1911 in my hand by my side convinced them that not trying to leave was a good idea.

Then there was the substance abuser that was door checking the cars on the street.  I followed him up the street, and pointed him out where he was digging under a car seat.

We have about a 2-3 minute first car response time to a real emergency, about the same for fire
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 2:28:26 AM EDT
I had to file a police report for identity theft once. It was required to get the free credit freeze from the credit reporting agencies. 

I've had to call the cops a couple of times for people who were trespassing in our office building. As in, they were found at 8 o'clock at night by the cleaning crew, sleeping in a utility closet. Had to file trespassing charges. 

I've occasionally had to call the cops to invite people to leave the ER after their request for opioids was denied. 

But I've NEVER had to call them to my house. They were never called to our house when growing up. Growing up in a small town, we simply solved any disputes with our neighbors. Feral animal problems were taken care of without police assistance. 

ETA: I did need the Sheriff to sign my paperwork for 3 NFA toys. This was before I had a trust. 
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 2:31:50 AM EDT
Forty-seven years old and I have never called the police for help.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 2:37:38 AM EDT
I was legally required to call the police after catching a burglar in 2005.

I was legally required to call the police after putting 2 rounds into a Turd that just robbed me in 2007.

I was legally required to call the police after putting 7 rounds into a Turd that just robbed me in 2010.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 2:43:24 AM EDT
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I was legally required to call the police after catching a burglar in 2005.

I was legally required to call the police after putting 2 rounds into a Turd that just robbed me in 2007.

I was legally required to call the police after putting 7 rounds into a Turd that just robbed me in 2010.
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Have you written this up anywhere? Is it in the archives?
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 2:47:48 AM EDT
If the state of Texas gives me carte blanche to snipe trespassers and poachers on sight, I won't call the cops anymore and will start posting .308 cadaver reports instead. Till then, popo is getting called.

FWIW, none of them have had any issue handing my douchebags CTWs, and sometimes chat with me after.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 2:56:10 AM EDT
ONE time in all my years I called the police for help and didn't get any.

Wife's brand new car was parked in a parking lot and some chick was trying to park next to her while driving her huge Hummer.  Destroyed the rear end of the wife's car to the tune of $6,000.00.  Hit and run.

There were several witnesses who saw it.

There were several businesses in the area with security cameras facing the  parking lot.

Cops did nothing. Didn't want to do anything. Would not view the security cameras etc.  Couldn't be bothered.

So other than that one instance, I have not "needed" the police ever.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 3:00:57 AM EDT
I've never needed them, and don't know why I would aside from filing paperwork for some reason.

Really as a whole, I don't have a very high opinion of them
based on my experiences. I even hate and wish ill on the one who fucked me over real good when I was 19. (How many professions has almost every person in America had a bad experience with?) However, they do provide necessary and heroic services. Working car accidents, crime scenes, and apprehending scumbags is not a job I would want to do, so for that I am thankful.

I really could live without the bullshit traffic harassment though.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 3:08:43 AM EDT
Once, indirectly. Shit head neighborhood kids were taking advantage of my grandma, I found evidence of one assclown attempting to forge a check. Thankfully he was too dumb to fill it out correctly. Called the sheriff to have a little chat with them - and her.

ETA: by kids I mean early 20s losers, drop-outs, disowned by their families.

People that have dealings with the police on either side of the law are generally not on the up-and-up
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 3:16:33 AM EDT
Minding my own fucking business goes a long way towards not needing the cops. Never called or needed them once.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 3:20:40 AM EDT
Welfare check on my (now ex) wife.  Called me at 2am while I was at drill 8 hours away.  Drunk and hysterical, probably high.  Couldn't form any actual words, let alone sentences.  Just sobs and shrieks.  Couldnt tell if she was just super fucked up or maybe hurt too.  Cops found her passed out on the porch, keys in hand, car still warm. No damage, luckily she didn't hit anyone or anything. Found out the reason she called was because she couldn't figure out which key unlocked the front door.  

That was the beginning of the end.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 3:30:39 AM EDT
More times than I can count. When in college I worked security at numerous businesses, airports, hospitals, public transit. I was on a first name basis with a majority of the officers.

I work at a prison now, so while I don't need law enforcement often, they do get called from time to time depending on the problem. Once when I was assaulted by an inmate (He got 10 years)

Personally only a few times outside of work. Once for some drunk idiots that decided to go wheeling in my yard at 2am and bury their explorer axles deep in mud. Once for a civil stand by when leaving a crazy gf (I was concerned she might try something crazy and make something up after I left). Once for mail theft, but I went to the station.

I have called them a few times for my old neighbors when I was fairly certain a murder was about to take place, they were domestically abusive towards each other not sure who was the aggressor as they both were. Once when I was fairly certain my other neighbor across the street was dealing drugs (they were) SWAT team came for that, I watched from my front porch as they went in.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 4:12:44 AM EDT
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(How many professions has almost every person in America had a bad experience with?)]
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That wouldn't be law enforcement......
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 4:33:33 AM EDT
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I was picnicking in a metro park with my extended family when we we surrounded and threatened with attack from a very large, very hostile group of people. The only thing that prevented me from being forced to shoot some of them was my call to the police for help. Otherwise it would have escalated, and people would have died.
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Please continue ...
more details needed
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 4:35:40 AM EDT
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That wouldn't be law enforcement......
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(How many professions has almost every person in America had a bad experience with?)]
That wouldn't be law enforcement......
Most of the people I know have had bad experiences with them. Most of them do not dislike cops, but they have had bad experiences nonetheless.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 4:45:11 AM EDT
Nope. Cops to create paper trail after the fact.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 5:49:29 AM EDT
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Most of the people I know have had bad experiences with them. Most of them do not dislike cops, but they have had bad experiences nonetheless.
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Maybe that's more of a reflection on a specific agency, or even the people you choose to associate with.....
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 6:15:07 AM EDT
The time I got sucker punched in the back of the head by a mugger - yeah, could have used cops, but none were around.

Ultimately that was my own fault though, for:

A. Having dogshit situational awareness.


B. WWW ("walking while white") in the wrong area.

Other than that, no, I have never needed a cop, although in addition to the above, I've been in many other situations where it would have been nice to have one around.
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 7:12:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/23/2017 7:20:01 AM EDT
A few years ago an officer gave me a jump start. The other day I asked an officer to pop my door open after I locked my keys in the vehicle. I've always gotten along well with police officers. I've never understood why so many people have issues with the police.
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